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The Fall of Patriotism


By ruschPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 1 min read

Patriotism's Fall

Oh, say I, make us room for men invited

Limping, worn from cleaning house, and land

So when time, it comes, to home fires be lighted

As before, same freedom flames proudly lit, stand.

As patriotism is critical when barbarians rush the gates

And alone one stands.

For it is in the mismanagement of the roots to Patriotism

That civilization’s foundations crumble and fail.

And then, each alone, facing greater evils

Begin partnering again within fostered need, and build.

For a better World, yes, always hoped, in peace

Until monied power once again, has its say, and day.

Must the trumpet always lie ready

Against those that cannot do, but harm others?

Such seems Man’s eternal tale in singing...

Freedom loves freedom’s stories

Until watchers fail at city gates

Then up must rise new blood a’flowing

To then through that returned energy, make.

For boring is that crowded campfire

Where heroes old have disappeared

And trash bin foods and sour wine replace starvation

With pirates and foxes, treated as peers.

Old pundit professors never leaving that fold

Of lawyers, politicians, and low-life others

Looking for gains, not uplifting wisdom's

For higher true being, in life and living.

As size of purse gathers all mentions

Leaving stalwart hearts to outer rows

While thieving many, saddle attention

With minions many, there to crow.

Oh, say I, make us room then for the men invited

Limping, worn from cleaning house, and land

So when time, it comes, to home fires be lighted

As before, same freedom flames proudly lit, stand.

Oh yes, freedom loves freedom’s stories

Until watchers fail at city gates

Then up must rise new blood a’flowing

To then through that returned energy, make.

For boring is this crowded campfire

Where heroes old have disappeared

And poisoned food and souring wine replace Earth’s blessings

With pirates and foxes, treated as peers.

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