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Taking Pride

In The Middle Of The Lies

By Alicia LeneaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Taking Pride
Photo by Denise Chan on Unsplash

T he world is a funny place

A lways taking us by surprise

K eeping us on the edge of our seat

E expected to be let down again

P eople can make or break us

R egrets stem from what we go through

I deas form in our minds

D etermining who we think we should be

E xcept that isn’t who we are

I deas of other people should not make us hide our true colors

N othing should ever change you!

W ho are you in your eyes?

H ow do you like the person you are?

O ur lives are based on our thoughts

Y ellow as the sun

O ur lives shine brighter than they

U sually do

A lways thinking

R egreting nothing

E xecpt not being you

A re you happy?

S hining in the bright colors of life?

A lways being you, no matter what?

P eople may get in the way

E xpect you to be something you aren’t

R egret nothing

S hine bright

O ur lives aren’t over yet

N othing can stop us from being us

N ot one thing

O n or off this planet can stop us

T hat’s the truth, baby

W ho are you?

H ow are you?

O ur true colors need to shine!

P urple is of status

E veryone want’s this

O ur peers tell us it isn’t possible

P eople tell us it is just a dream

L etting us down

E xcept they are all wrong

T hink about what you want

H ow can you make it happen?

I mpossible

N o it’s not

K now who you are

Y ou can make your dreams come true

O ur lives matter

U sually more than we think

S how your true colors!

H appiness is within you!

O range

U sually in the sun

L etting the fire burn

D etermine who you are

B e yourself

E verything else

Y ou will find

O ught not happen

U sually not

A re you okay?

R egrets in your life?

E verything too hard?

W hat do you want?

H ow will you get it?

O n and on again

Y ou ponder the

O range hot fire that shines in

U s brighter than anything else

A re these colors real?

R ed shines in your face

E xibits the anger

A nd life goes on

N othing happens

D o you know why

T hat is a question for you

H append within you

A s the fire burns

T hat you can’t stop

M aking you go crazy

A ttentive to what you aren’t

T he lies that people have told you

T he lies that burn red

E ating away at your life

R edding your

S enses

M aking you feel the fire within you

O ranger than ever before

R edder and hotter

E scaping your control

T ake control they say

H appiness will come

A nd you must be this or that

N ever yourself

Y ou can’t let the

O range, red, hot colors in you out

U sually you listen

C an’t you just stop?

O n and on again

U sually holding back

L etting loose isn’t what you are supposed to do

D etermined by who?

E veryone but you

V ery nice

E veryone else gets to control your life

R egrets pile up

I mpossible

M aking you want to scream

A re you okay they ask

G etting upset

I n their eyes

N othing is good enough

E xcept following the rules

S o what do we do?

O ur lives are our lives

J ust take control

U sually you would say no

S hy to be who you are

T hat is now in the past

T aking pride in who you are

A sking permission from you and you alone

K eeping their lies at bay

E very color you let loose

P urple shines within you

R egreting nothing you go for your dreams

I n the middle of your rage

D epending on the circumstance

E verything comes out in the right way

I n the middle of all their words

N o one changes who you are

Y ou have become you!

O range fire burns behind your eyes

U susally at bay

R ed pushes you forward

S howing everyone you are not afraid

E veryone steps back

L etting you make your own way

F or the very first time


About the Creator

Alicia Lenea

Hey guys, I am the small town girl that moved to NYC to follow her dreams to be a writer.

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