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By Ashley Ching

By Ashley ChingPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Steven Lasry on Unsplash

Its sad how my feelings are switched

What I use for joy is now provoked by rage

When I get mad I go for a walk

I used to do that out of happiness

Used to go out to relax and have fun

Those places for pleasure like bars and restaurants are now closed

I used to go shopping and have fun even for food

Now I get anxiety attacks and freak out when I don’t see people with a mask

Question when there is no tape on the ground for social distancing

Six feet apart they say but without the tape no one follows the rules

Corona virus is spreading

I have different feelings about telling people what neighborhood I live in

People are getting robbed more

People are stealing from stores more because every employee is focused on the corona virus they think they won’t notice their crime.

But I see you

I saw you steal whatever little things you can fit in your environmentally friendly tote.

You scrambled the things in there like they were already yours when it didn’t even come close to really belonging to you

3,348 people in New York today are infected with the corona virus

They have something inside of them that they wish didn’t belong in their body

Its in their lungs, in their flesh, in their minds everyday wishing they would get better already

Wishing they didn’t have to be quarantined away from their family

Their mom, their dad and their pets.

The meaning of being together is switched

Now its #alonetogether

We are alone in the house or in a room because you have virus

But we are getting through this fragile time together no matter if you have the virus or not it affects you in more ways than it should.

Something that isn’t switched is that a little tiny germ affects human beings in a huge way.

Its a tiny micro sized particle called a virion which is an individual viral particle

The viral particle goes into the human through the natural holes of the body through the nose or mouth

It goes in as foreign DNA

So what isn’t switched is that something foreign goes in your body and your body has to learn how to fight back

But what is switched is our feelings towards everything like work

People used to want and wish to work from home so on breaks they could clean or have a glass of wine now they want more than ever to be back in an office where is no windows to even see the outside world but just to be out there where human interaction and hello is back in vocabulary

I used to say hi to people when I first see them

Now I make sure they are wearing a mask

That I am standing 6 feet apart from them

Before I say hi

Two steps before the first word comes out of my mouth

The steps that we have to take

The way we shop for food

Its now on our phones on apps called instacart or calling family fruit and getting curb side delivery

Habits of keeping clean and now washing your hands is the first thing you do when you come inside before you touch anything else.

Its the kind of world we live in now

The virus came and hopefully it will go

So that we can go into the newly found world where the Himalayas can be seen from our windows

Where the Nitrogène dioxide pollution level has decreased

The air is cleaner

There is a reduction of the greenhouse gases

People are interacting more with their families

People are being more creative and sending heart felt beautifully made birthday cards

People will get excited about their mail instead of it just being junk and bills there will be some love within the envelopes.

We are sitting together for home cooked meals instead of going out all of the time

Your home your kitchen is used for an office, a classroom or dinner with the family

The table has multiple uses.

One day there will be another worry and it won’t be the corona virus

Hopefully that day will come soon

We will able to clearly see that the corona virus needed to come in order for the environment to get better

It hurt us deeply in a lot of ways

But hopefully it taught me and you to look at the things that switched for the better and not for the worst

Switch your outlook on the virus

Switch how you look at someone when they cough or sneeze

Switch your attitude towards money

Make sure its used to help someone not just yourself

Because tons of people don’t have it now

In fact 17 million people filed for unemployment due to this tiny particle with multiple strains

Just try to switch things around so the virus doesn’t switch your true feelings on your beliefs and habits.


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