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Stormy Spirit

A conversation with myself

By Chanelle JoyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Stormy Spirit
Photo by Shashank Sahay on Unsplash

“Stormy spirit, speak to me.

What does trouble you so?”

In the thunder and the lightning

my own voice answers me from deep within dark sorrow

“Please, hold on,

for our story is not finished yet.

I’ve so much still to show you.

Please, won’t you trust me?”


I shudder in the icy winds

my broken heart has summoned.

My reflection is staring back at me,

a ripple in the air.

And in my eyes I see my spirit,

an imprisoned flame of hope

begging to be set free.


“Do you not love me?” she whispers in melancholy.

“What did I do so wrong?”

“You did nothing,” I sigh resignedly.

“The criminal is humanity.”


My spirit nods with wisdom, like an ancient sage.

“We must look beyond humanity, for there we will find hope.

I can show you stars

to guide you on your way.

You’ve still so much to learn,

and so much more do.

So do not give up just yet.

Together, let us carry on.

Together, let us show humanity

that beauty is worth fighting for!”


I feel the burden of life

heavy on my shoulders,

but no longer feel lifeless;

and so my spirit and I journey on,

our story is not finished yet.


The end


I wrote this poem for a semicolon project collection. Sometimes we need to have a conversation with our inner selves, that part of that we keep buried because unveiling it means we become vulnerable. But more often than not, our spirit has the answers we seek; we just need to be willing to listen. When we most feel like giving up, that's when we need to dig deep to find something to hold onto, to find a hidden strength we didn't know we possessed. It's fucking hard, I ain't going to lie. It's much easier to let the negativity in than it is to try and find something positive.

Learning to be kind to ourselves and taking time out for self-care often feels wrong, like we are being selfish. That's not the case. If we don't look after ourselves, how can we possibly offer anything to anyone else? If we're not feeling our best, we can't be our best. Listen to that inner voice that is begging you to cut yourself some slack, to take a break, to go have that bubble bath or punch that punching bag. Your inner self knows what you need, but we've been taught to deny ourselves, to give and give and give to everyone and everything except ourselves.

So, take a minute right now. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, relax your body, breathe deep and slow, and let your inner self talk to you. You have the strength inside of you to keep going. Don't let your beautiful spirit wither and fade, because it loves you so much and it has so much to tell you.

You are awesome. You are special. You are WORTH IT.

Chan xx


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Much love to you, my darlings.


If you liked this, you may also like some of my other mental health poems. You can find the links below if you want to check them out :) Cheers!


About the Creator

Chanelle Joy

I love painting pictures with words, whether it be in poetry or story form, or tackling a social issue in an essay or article. So take a load off and let me entertain you!

I also take commissions. Enquire at [email protected] :)

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  • test2 years ago

    There was no decent poetry written after the eighteenth century in England. Adonais. That is a poem. Ode to a Grecian Urn. That is a poem. Paradise Lost. THAT is a poem. This is a stream of urine down your leg. I need to see more, hear more. Dig deeper! Climb a mountain! Lift a boulder with your brain! Like this: Trembling leaf, where hath the sun; Or noble spirits to that throne where time is yet begun? Now write... If you can finish this poem, you can call yourself a poet. A druid trains for twenty years to call themselves a poet.

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