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Stand and Be Counted

The fighting spirit leaves and is replaced by acceptance.

By Himiona GracePublished 4 years ago 1 min read

I know what truth and reality are

but they’re my truth and my reality

no one else's

I was nurtured on the knowledge of old and new

live comfortably between the light and dark,

land, sea.

my two Worlds collide but I do not come off second best.

I learn , I grow.

Sometimes when all seems against me

Lost or alone

The fighting spirit leaves

and is replaced by acceptance.

The acceptance that people will never change

that within oneself there is the urge to strive above others

to seek what is better

and there are winners in this game

And winners make it

so that they can continue to win.

But whose reality is it?

that says the winners are the rich, the powerful.

They, who live a life of luxury and comfort

manipulating laws, making life a series of contracts.

Cars, houses, buying out competition

Continuing the belief that they are better, happier,

that privilege is their right.

Who is the better person

when in these positions

a difference can be made

but is not

Wealth and power become worthless

a commodity

like all material existence

Is this what should be passed on

to the following generations

the true meaning of everlasting life

Are we not supposed to be the caretakers

of Mother Earth

She who nurtures all living things

and is rewarded with the cancer of Man

consuming, spreading through the veins

killing cells and organs of the body that gave birth to all that lives

Against the flow I stride in my journey of self

I seek not

that which is material

No quick fix for me

No way...

I want to soak in the knowledge of my ancestors

I want all that I create

to flow with the essence of life

from the depths of my body,

mind and spirit

through my blood,



to be used as strength

against the might of a self proclaimed Power

the manipulative jealousies of the desperate

and all those talentless fucks

to be used as strength

so that I can Stand

and be counted

social commentary

About the Creator

Himiona Grace

film writer/director, musician and photographer. All photos, video are mine.

Aotearoa, New Zealand

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