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The danger of sultry

By Victor MendezPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Kira Ikonnikova on Unsplash


I once met a woman so ugly..

..I married her!

She has a power over me..

..I'm bewitched! I'm spelled!!

I feel her charm exude from her every pore..

..into the very air which feed my lungs..

She lands on my very skin with just her presence!

My every breath is a suffocation..

..willing to sacrifice me, it's very owner..

..for just one moment,

..just one look,

..one swift under the eyebrow glance at me.

To let me know..

she knows..

That I want to know..


She laughs in delight,

at a joke told,

a bawdy jest..

..not because it is particularly funny or clever..

but, because it seduces you.

..and you have tells you never knew,

that let her know..

You are in thrall!

...She owns you now..

Her gap-tooth smile fades as you look at her.

You are in a dream..

Don't wake! Lest you break the spell..

Surround yourself in the heady fragrance of your non-model delight,

This Jezebel of Joy!

She has wrapped your heart,

your soul,

Your very mind...

in the clutch of her sensuality..

..the sultriness that triggers every primal urge,

embedded in your dna,

passed down your lineage to you!

You won't be the first.

Nor the last.

That willing bares his neck to the gilded blade,

the insatiable hunger,

of a gifted lover!

love poems

About the Creator

Victor Mendez

Born in 1958.There's a lot of road beneath these feet.Worn out pairs upon pairs of shoes.Been a ranch kid,a city kid,a Marine,a dad, a grandfather now,an avid reader and just recently began writing poetry in 2015 just to vent.

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