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Screw You


By ShayleaPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Screw you.

Screw you for crashing into my life like a wrecking ball.

Screw you for making me believe you were a good person.

Screw you for making me believe you loved me.

Screw you for changing from a sweet, loving man - into a narcissistic asshole.

Screw you for telling me to stop wearing makeup because I’m “too beautiful” for that.

Screw you for cheating with every girl you told me not to be like.

Screw you for not letting me wear what I want, or posting the pictures I liked.

Screw you for making me delete and block people because you’re insecure and guilty.

Screw you for all the shots you’d take at me Day in & day out - it was brutal.

Screw you for getting mad at me because your sleaze-ball friends hit on me.

Screw you for isolating me from my friends & sometimes my family.

Screw you for making me feel like I was important.

Screw you for how small you made me feel after. Everyday.

Screw you for not paying attention when I seriously needed you.

Screw your stupid friends and your stupid games.

Screw your excuses.

Screw your lies.

Screw you for every “little indiscretion” you had.

Screw you for telling me it was my fault you did it.

Screw you for making me believe it.

Screw you for making me believe alllll your lies.

Screw you for taking everything I had to offer - and I mean EVERYTHING - and treating it like it was nothing.

Screw you for tossing me to the side like a piece of trash.

Screw you for taking my loving heart and breaking it into a million pieces.

Screw you for leaving me with the pieces.

Screw you for making me not trust men.

A big SCREW YOU for my future husband who will have to deal with my broken pieces forever.

Screw you for literally everything you did.

But most of all...

Screw you for making me think I loved you.

Screw you for making me think about forever.

Screw you for taking that away.

Screw you for making me believe you were “IT” for me.

Screw you.

Screw you.

Screw you.


About the Creator


24. Oklahoma. Dog lover. Introverted extrovert. Weird. Emotional. Human.

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