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Ripples of small gestures

Sometimes the smallest things can be the biggest deal for others.

By Brian AnonymousPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

You never know what your actions can have on others

Your smallest gestures can makes us wonder

Out of the blue you can give me a small smile

It makes me question into a state of beguile

This commences a ripple effect

My mood has changed I stand up correct

Confidence oozes through my veins

It's like today there's only gains

I pass it forward by opening doors

There's no one here that I'll ignore

One fleeting moment of attention

My attitude changed from descension.

It's not only the change of your facial expression

Your attention I can not question

The center of focus is for that small moment

It has me feeling as though this was meant

I know it may not mean much to you

You never know what people are going through

A smile has so much meaning behind the gesture

It's can be as enigmatic like an Escher

It can be playful like a playground

It can be potential friendship or a knockdown

The intent is always to make someone feel better

It's more powerful than any written letter

Smiles have an infectious ability

It can make the boldest person feel humility

A simple smile can motivate us to create art

It can also help us open up our hearts

Whenever a person smiles at me

Potential is so big I can't foresee

The color of the lips beam in the light

My heart so full it can ignite

The cheeks lift in mild amusement

I suddenly forgot to pay my rent

Eyebrows are lifted in relief

This moment I can't believe

Eyes fixated in my direction

I come up with more affections

This is only the story that comes from the top

The body tells an even more detailed backdrop

Nothing about the person should be ignored

The whole message has me hopping like a springboard

Your body language can tell me even more

All the small details hits me like a sword

Nothing is asked back in return

I did nothing for it to be earned.

My gratitude beams from my return smile

teeth exposed as if they were filed

I hope you know it wasn't simply a reaction

It's not just because it's a social interaction

Today it's harder to get someones full awareness

We're all stuck on our phones breathless

To have someone give their undivided attention to us

Everyone's a number but don't want to be treated as dust

That acknowledgement means more and more as the years pass

As I get older I cherish those moments before they elapse

Two seconds of a passing action

I can't believe I have such a reaction

Where does the time go

We all live life and go with the flow

Sometimes we don't think to smile at the people around us

Although we also don't want to feel it to be pretentious

To me it always feels good no matter the goal

Doing so will always have my attention stole.

So why not smile at everyone around you

You never know what they'll do

I know that it makes me happy

And I'm definitely a person that's sappy

So I'll smile at others whenever I see them

To me everyone is my fellow chum

Treat others how you'd like to be treated

So I'll be smiling and that's going to be repeat it

Next time you give someone a smile remember that it's appreciated

The day you'll be creating for someone else is happiness fated

There are 7 billion people in this world

Imagine 7 billions smiles circled around the world

The world would be a better place

So let's get all of those frowns replaced.


About the Creator

Brian Anonymous

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of movies and play video games. There are some articles on my struggles with languages and dance as well.

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