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Personal Space

It is our time to reflect

By DMTakeshiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Personal Space
Photo by Ioana Cristiana on Unsplash

We all need our personal space

It is our time to reflect

This way we get to keep our grace

And we don’t end up with regret


Remember not to scream

Remember about empathy

Remember they are your team

Remember your identity


Personal space celebrated

It will lead to a clearer head

Don’t want to end up frustrated

A feeling I don’t want to spread


Today I will embrace

Being a better version

Tomorrow again I take space

This I know for certain


Using the skills I have learned

Makes me into what I’ve yearned


I wrote this poem as a reminder to myself.

I have two children. I have a son who is thirteen and my daughter is eleven. My son is taking personal space from me right now and has been, for the past four months, living with his birthfather. I cannot imagine why he won’t talk with me, and it breaks my heart, but I know people need space. I cannot worry about what may happen without knowing anything about what the future may bring. I need to let him have his time and space. Until then, I hope his heart is healing.

My daughter takes her time to sort out her feelings and to play video games. These are tools she has gained by watching us as parents do this for ourselves. By modeling, we are showing her the importance of putting her mask on before she can put on anyone else’s.

My husband is really good about talking his personal space. He prefers it to hanging out with friends. He takes it to produce music, to clear his mind and to help himself be in a better state of mind to help solve difficult situations. He is the reason my daughter is so good at it.

I think we can all, at the very least, be reminded that personal space is needed to develop into the person we want to be. It helps to see things clearer and also gives us time to cool off if needed.

I personally take space to meditate, to calm down after a heated situation, dedicate time to personal growth and to write. When I meditate, I feel more at peace with my life and the many things always going on in it. It centers me. After a heated situation, personal space helps me to calm down and not hurt people close to me by getting angry with them. When I set aside time for personal growth, I always feel a sense of accomplishment. When I take personal space for writing it is very therapeutic. What do you do to take your personal space?

My therapist reminds me the importance of balance. We need personal space, but also time with others as humans. I love to take time with my best friend to dance or chit chat. I am not as social as I should be, so I also need a reminder about that as well.

“I take the invasion of my personal space very seriously.” -Kid Rock

“Personal space is something that isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity like air or water.” -Sabrina Choquette


About the Creator


DMTakeshi has zero credentials and these poems have a high probability that they are the ramblings of a person with a serious mental illness. Enjoy!

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