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Pt. I, Peace of Heart

By Emily KitazawaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Ben Blennerhassett on Unsplash

Peace is not found in designed diversions,

losing reality behind a screen,

the escapist blue glow and

a closed bedroom door.

In halfhearted connections,

last night’s stranger, the one

who found refuge

on the empty side of your bed.

By masking a lifetime of wounds,

veiled behind habits and miserable evasion—no,

peace is not found in those

who are chronically immune.

In a dazed flat-back blow

to the barroom floor,

is peace found

in that fragile, fleeting numbness there?

Where is it hidden? So mysterious yet simple—

the peaceful respite where

life's oceans settle, brighten and clear?

In the gentle hope

a new sun brings, rising red dawn

through parted drapes.

In sunbeams settling on the face,

where the eyes that know, love and see her dwell,

In the calmest of certainty,

and in the relief of despair.

In snow-frosted drives up rising peaks,

warmed in knowing laughter and ardent melodies.

In a shared, knowing feeling,

during a song's brief, quieted interlude,

when eyes meet and linger, and she knows

that feeling of safety as yet withheld,

safely just being loved, just being herself—

there was her peace of heart found.

By Andrew Svk on Unsplash


About the Creator

Emily Kitazawa

Just a curious observer of life, sharing what I think & imagine through written word.

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