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One Day

Original Lyrics

By Amanda LeonPublished 2 years ago 1 min read

One day, I will hold you in my arms, that’s where I’ll start

Somehow, you have found the broken key to my heart

Maybe, one day, we’ll find our dreams & reality collide

One day, one day, you decide

One day, you will find that love won’t always betray you

I’m a perfect example of that

One day, you’ll be resting in the arms of someone who loves you

The way you love them

One day, I will hold you in my arms, that’s where I’ll start

Somehow, you have found the broken key to my heart

Maybe, one day, we’ll find our dreams & reality collide

One day, one day, you decide

One day, your painful past will make sense to you

I’m here to show you that

One day, we’ll look back at all this nonsense & laugh

It can change everything

One day, I will hold you in my arms, that’s where I’ll start

Somehow, you have found the broken key to my heart

Maybe, one day, we’ll find our dreams & reality collide

One day, one day, you decide

love poems

About the Creator

Amanda Leon

hey y’all, i’m a college student who writes songs & the occasional short random excerpt that i may or may not post here. new content every week, enjoy :)

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