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My Mind


By Lynn StarrPublished 7 years ago 1 min read
By Lynn Starr 

Long ago I realized I'm different

I'm not the type to walk with my head bent

I strive to keep my head above the ocean

And no I'm not smoking or drinking any of that special potion

Oh yes remember I mentioned I was different

I'm not filled with rage or anger

You know the type that will put you in danger

Let me get back to me being different

I'm not into fancy clothes

And no I don't be fake and pose

What makes me different is my mind

It's like a winding stair case with no ending

A maze you start but you ain't winning

A story you can't finish

A running faucet

I have an accumulation of thoughts and feelings

Some days I'm losing

But most days I'm winning

I try to control my thoughts and feelings

At times they seep out at the seams

You'll have to know me to know what I mean

In the blink of an eye I can be happy and then want to cry

It's crazy at times I can't control the thoughts in my head

I'm definitely not the type to wish I was dead

This is a battle I fight every day

There's a hole in my heart but it keeps pumping away

Would I be the same without my hurt and pain?

Without my labyrinth of thoughts?

While your busy counting sheep

This mind of mine isn't asleep

It's fast paced and racing

Fasten your seatbelt and be braced in

Because in a mind like mine you definitely don't know what you're facing

One minute your walking and the next your racing

Hell I don't know when the race began

All I know is this is what I'm facing


About the Creator

Lynn Starr

Writing is my outlet.

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