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Morning Bliss

A Reason to Rise with the Sun

By Michelle ChaparroPublished 4 years ago 1 min read
Arizona Sky(Photo by Author)

I rise with the sun, another day to be undone

Unraveled yarn rolling, tumbling free

As muscles find movement, aching to find release

Slowly I wake for the promises of the day that lie ahead

Joy of today's petals that have yet to be shed

His tousled hair upon his head

Ahh yes, the sleepy smile of our son

As he lifts his arms to be pulled out of bed

Anticipating the warmth of love

from mama's simple hug

This is why I rise with the sun

The shutters slide, allowing the first ray

of morning lights gentle glide

Filling up the once shadowed space

Conceding to a new days embrace

As I breath the familiarity and comfort of this place

A place in which we've built our home

Where coffee brews fresh and rich

My love, you always fill my cup up to the brim

A dash of cinnamon, a swirl of whip

How could I not savor slowly, each delightful sip

As I listen to our son breakout in giggle fits

Bursts of laughter unfiltered or controlled

Something I live to hear of more

A small look and our thoughts align

We both raise our arms high to the sides

For we are now planes, made and built solely to fly!

There's excitement gleaming in your eyes

As we circle round on either side

faster, faster and faster still

We zoom up and down, in and around

Daddy swoops down for the landing, sweeping you up high

As your shrieking cry of laughter pierces the sky

Time begins to trickle by

The moment passes, as silence reigns

Leaving only the sound heaving breaths to remain

Our lungs continue to grasp for air

As we gently sweep back our sons mussed up hair

My love, you whisper kisses sweetly upon my cheek

Wrapped in each others arms

Our little family made complete

Truly this is morning bliss

And with this, the day has just begun

My heart, mind and spirit are in agreeance as one

It's for precious moments like these

That I rise with the sun


About the Creator

Michelle Chaparro

Just an Imperfect Person trying to Inspire & Encourage Others.

You want to know more? Well, I'm a mother to one beautiful son & wife to one very blessed Hubby! I'm a LMT born in Chicago & raised in AZ. I like my days warm & my coffee iced

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