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Moments Preserved, Stories Untold

By MoizPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

(Memories linger, like whispers in time,

Moments we cherish, both yours and mine.

They hold our laughter, our tears, and our fears,

Preserving our past as the present nears.)


In the tapestry of our lives, memories find their place,

Moments cherished and treasured, each one a saving grace.

For within these memoirs lie the essence of our being,

The threads that weave our stories, forever worth freeing.

In the symphony of time, memories dance and play,

Echoes of laughter and tears, forever etched in our clay.

They form the foundation of who we've come to be,

An archive of emotions, a journey we can see.

Each memory holds a tale, a chapter in our book,

A mosaic of experiences, the path that we took.

From the tender embrace of a loved one's touch,

To the echoes of childhood, we long to clutch.

They whisk us back in time, to moments dear and sweet,

Like whispered secrets, their essence can't be beat.

They paint a vibrant picture of the life we have lived,

An album of treasured moments, where our hearts are sieved.

In the passage of years, memories may fade,

But their imprint on our souls, forever will pervade.

So, let us capture these moments, in words or in rhyme,

Preserving our memoirs, frozen in the sands of time.

For these memories are the anchors that ground us,

Guiding our steps, reminding us what matters most.

In their embrace, we find solace and inspiration,

A treasure trove of lessons, in this grand exploration.

Memoirs in time, they shape our narratives profound,

Reminding us of our roots, where our stories are found.

So, let us treasure these moments, both big and small,

For in their timeless embrace, we find our truest call.

nature poetrylove poems

About the Creator


"I'm a passionate storyteller and creator, using Vocal to share my voice and connect with others through the power of audio. Join me on my journey as I explore new topics and share my unique perspectives on the world."

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