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Melancholy Folly

melancholy folly

By Victor MendezPublished 5 years ago 2 min read


I hope you don't mind if I walk with you,

Just a little ways?

I promise to make it short.

I'm feeling the salt deep in my wounds,

The paper cuts that last long...

So little, so painful.

I am melancholy,

And I feel the raindrops cold on my shoulder,

The weeping of the sky is of no consequence to the riving in my soul...

and the ravens accompany me..

If just to laugh at the foolish and the lost.

But I never lose hope. I...

keep it tucked in a little corner easy to find in case of need, though lately seems not much need so best to say I'm hopeless, I suppose.

Eventually the worms will come to call, pay their respects til the withers overtake and exhume the remains of whom I was..

Never mind who I am.

But for now..

Let me weep at what is lost...

at what may never be again...

All because of pride...

In our accomplishments.

Only men are able to feel such a lackluster emotion...

In Accomplishment..

of extermination.

We create..

in ones, but destroy in threes.

We build for now monuments to our greatness..

Monuments to a God unseen but expectant in his saving grace and so we destroy what he gave us cuz he'll save us..

Breathless... holding our collective breaths, we await Him...

The Messiah, the Savior, our Rescuer..

And destroy His creations as we wait...

and we sacrifice his children to prove our faith to him..

Praise God!

Praise Jesus!

Praise Allah!

Pass the ketchup and the mayo..

Let's make a sandwich with those last four lines and perhaps it'll make our insanity easier to swallow than to look at each other in utter stupefication at what drives such hatred.

What makes my skin crawl when I see your skin crawl?

Perhaps the scientists are right to postulate we will never visit alien worlds because we will have destroyed our world long before we could escape from a heap of trash that once was a jewel of our solar system!

Perhaps this wasn't a poem after all..

Merely a rant..

While I try to apologize for taking up so much of your time.

Perhaps in the future someone will find this sad little note and will take this as an apology for killing their world.

I'm so sorry...

This was my melancholy...

My folly.

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About the Creator

Victor Mendez

Born in 1958.There's a lot of road beneath these feet.Worn out pairs upon pairs of shoes.Been a ranch kid,a city kid,a Marine,a dad, a grandfather now,an avid reader and just recently began writing poetry in 2015 just to vent.

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