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Me Myself and I

Long ago, I was told that the longer I'm single, the more I learn to love the woman I am inside.

By TestPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
7089643 from Pixabay


First there were three.

But crackers don’t go with the kind of tea

we drank early 2017.

There went the third interference

Between me and my special kind of friend,

Me and my attachment to men.

You held me, you let me fall,

Gave none or gave it all,

No meant nothing if you were so tall

You could do whatever you wanted to me.

Make love, make it up and make peace.

Messaged me for so many damn weeks.


But I’m sitting by myself for the first time.

In the Starbucks cafe Uptown,

If I’m looking at her across the room,

I'd ask if I could fix her heart of gold

For she’s the loneliest girl around,

Sitting by herself.

I watched her pack her bags and go,

Took the 7C bus to Conestoga Mall,

They thought she needed some help,

But from what I see she was swaying

Down those bustling halls,

Singing I am myself.


I think you were fire dancing in my air,

Now I’m on the top and you’re at the bottom of the stairs,

I no longer care.

I went home tonight after a productive day,

Self-paced, self initiated tempo.

I showered, had my dinner and did school work,

I watched as one, two and three hours past.

Long ago, I was told

That the longer I'm single, the more I learn to love the woman I am inside.

Today she is mine.


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