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Lost in you

Finding you was a dream come true.

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

I find myself thinking of you as you lay beside me, every moment and kiss we share is exciting and enlightening because it gives me a life that I never knew I had.

Some treat love as a fad but I get lost in you, in your beautiful brown eyes that peer into my soul and sends chills down my spine. I smile at the thought of knowing you're mine and I am yours.

Lost in your words that speak so much knowledge, care, and concern. Lost in your hands that hold me tight and let me know with you I am safe and need not worry about feeling any heartache or pain.

Lost in you, because you taught me how to love and see my self-worth, lost until I learned how to put myself first and later was blessed with a king that is beyond everything I could've truly prayed for.

Found, each day when I awake I feel loved more and for that I am grateful. To my past loves I could never be hateful it is them who gave me the lessons to learn in order to love you today. I hope, no I pray that every step of the way we continue loving one another. Even on those days where we disagree we find each other and reassure one another that what we have is not temporary, it is eternity.

I was lost until I found you, and now that I have you I am at peace. To my king, you are everything I could ask for and more.

love poems

About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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