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Kill the Envious Moon


By Pierre Roustan, Author of THE CAIN LETTERS and SCARY HORROR STUFF!Published 5 years ago 2 min read

As I ponder yonder of the horizon, my son, a cold sphere, appears

To reveal and steal the darkness away with all the fears

Of a frightened foe filled with woe and this canine curse—

Disperse and tie me up in chains, refrain with disdain!—

Disdain at my shadow as it erupts and becomes what I don’t want to become—

Something wicked and worse, my son.

First, the fangs will fly as I slowly die into this demon dog,

Growing from the inside like the hot breath, a venomous fog

Welling up from the guttural depths of a tea kettle brewing

Over a fire of fierce change, accruing a battle of wills bestowing

That age-old struggle of WHO I AM and fighting off the pain

As I grow this thick, coarse mane, a gift from the devil’s den.

Muscles ripple, sinewy, tight, taut, like the undead tree trunks of Hell,

Exploding cartilage and blood vessels bursting as the spell

Spills its poison into every fabric of my being, seeing is believing

The bitter transfiguration of this information recoding me,

Rewriting me, Revising me, rebuilding me, reworking me, refitting me

Into something that is nowhere near any sense of mediocrity.

I feel my eyes spread and morph, twisting into a tale, and I see my tail,

A revelation, vision with the precision of a predator as this devilish editor

Inside of me continues to break everything that is human apart,

That stark contrast of the hideous ochre cast with slits

Revealing the depths of Hades and the voracious pits of rage

As I am locked away in this cold, lonely and callous cage.

I AM no more. I’m something more or less a lycan licking and gnashing

At prey that prays for my soul, shaking, crying and crashing

Inside another dark cage, one you cannot see anywhere in the mud—

Which is why you have to kill that sphere in the pitch sky….

And this beast I am breaks the chains and all goes awry

As I hunt endlessly in the night for your living blood.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Pierre Roustan, Author of THE CAIN LETTERS and SCARY HORROR STUFF!

I am an author, adventurer, and father, living with my wife, four daughters and one son in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I've trekked through tundras, waded through swamps, wandered through deserts, and swam in the Great Barrier Reef.

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