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Is silence complicity

Your silence speaks louder than words...Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

By Valentina AielloPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Dear America

We are incandescent with rage

We are tired

We have lost hope

We no longer believe

We are denied liberty

We are denied freedom

We are denied justice

We are denied equality

We are tested everyday

We are not treated equally

We have lost patience

We are tired of waiting

We are tired of your assumptions

We are tired of your questions

We are tired of being marginalised

We are tired of waiting for you to grow out of your bigotry and hatred

We are tired of waiting for you to progress

We are tired of you mercilessly killing innocent black people

We are tired of you covering this up

We are tired of you projecting your inferiority complexes on us

We are tired of explaining why killing innocent black people is wrong

We are tired of trying to explain to you basic humanistic functions such as right from wrong

We are tired of being oppressed

We are tired of people choosing to stay silent

We are tired of people ignoring our plight

We are tired of having to justify our own worth

We are tired of existing in your imaginations

We will not tolerate ignorance

We will not tolerate prejudice

We will not tolerate silence

We will not tolerate complicity

We will not tolerate racism

You must break the cycle

You must hold those accountable for their actions

You must purge corrupt law enforcement

You must stop protecting police officers who kill

You must protect the real victims

You must stop creating false narratives to justify unlawful killing

You must teach your children not to hate

You must teach your children to love

You have had years to make changes

You have had years to progress

You refuse to listen

You refuse to understand

You refuse to walk in our shoes

You refuse to acknowledge your privilege

You refuse to accept the truth

You choose to turn a blind eye

You choose to say nothing because it doesn’t affect you

You choose to do nothing because it’s easier

You choose not to hold yourself accountable

You choose to be complicit

You choose to stay silent

You choose not to reform the law

You choose to extrapolate parts of black culture you can benefit from whilst refusing to speak on issues that matter

You choose to be part of the problem not the solution

You continue to perpetuate stereotypes

You continue to misinterpret

You continue to judge based on skin colour

You continue to kill based on skin colour

You continue to deny racism is entrenched

You continue to ignore there is a systematic problem

How many more years will it take

How many more innocent people will lose their lives

How many times do you need to be told

How much longer are you going to ignore these issues

When will you wake up

When will you make the change

When will you stop ignoring the problem

When will you stop lying

When will you tell the truth

When will you admit you have a problem

When will you reform corrupt institutions

When will you reprimand police officers who commit murder

When will you stop looking for excuses to justify unlawful killing

When will you hold yourself accountable

When will you remove the blood from your hands

We will not stop

We will stand together

We will be united

We will speak the truth

We will not be silenced

We will not be broken

We will make a change

We will fight for you

We will be your voice

We will not forget you

We will honour your name

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

Please click the link below and sign the petition to help make a change


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