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A Writer's Tell

By Sunshine on Brown SkinPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

She is quite possibly psychosomatic

As sometimes fear works her amygdala overtime as to not miss chronicling a climactic moment

And other instances, composition flows effortlessly from aesthetics encountered

Ink and graphite

Text on page

Line and verse

Rhythm coupling flow

Heart and soul Poured out after being shaken and stirred

If she doesn’t write, one is unsuspecting of her

Disregarding of beauty, pure and dauntless

Positing audacious verbiage to all that is introspection

Scribing to train her voice

Expanding her lungs’ capacity via relevant and honest hieroglyphic

Words on the page give rise to power

Homilies spoken, imbue strength

Still, there is always more

What is inaudibly spoken may be wordsmithed

Situating lettered rhythms to divulge stories

Further unveiling the deep and awkward, the unknown and obvious

Tenses on pages, steadily corroborating with her existence

Consonants and vowels- evidence of desire, knowing, and hope that bubbles within

This scribble is resistance- pain lived in and lived through

Adjectives and prefixes witnessing moments of joy and challenge as they live to tell her story

Writing, it’s the scenic route

Exploring curves and forks, timber and iotas, pattern and exceptions

There are revolutions to be documented

Galaxies to covet

Conversations to mull over

People to behold and discoursed

Light to uncover and apportion

Elucidations of serenity and war to feel and hypothesize letter by letter

Ergo, her well earned biases are alluring

Vocables are numerous and yet lacking…

Subject-verb agreements positing, “ride-or-die” are suspect and unending

The yearning to treatise her interior is insatiable

Every element of her being echoes there is more

There is always something to be elaborately liaised

Though, herein lies the inception

Her mind’s eye wants to interpret everything for itself, without indoctrinated propaganda- while she still covets nuance in varying perspective

Consequently, boredom is ne’er ascertained when imagery is being educed from epochs on varying forms of papyrus

So she writes on

Choosing the melodramatic phrasing

Searching out the perfect synonym

A colorful vernacular is a must

Her verbosity never chill

Texts are many and emboldened- to be provoked and carefully strewn across paper and screen- connecting thoughts, emotions, truths and perceptions

She keeps going because one line is inapt, a miscarriage of justice bellowing inadequacy

As sometimes fear works her amygdala overtime as to not miss chronicling a climactic moment

And other instances, composition flows effortlessly from aesthetics encountered

Ink and graphite

Text on page

Line and verse

Rhythm coupling flow

Heart and soul

Poured out after being shaken and stirred


About the Creator

Sunshine on Brown Skin

Writing offers an atmosphere of peace, connecting me to my Creator and human experience. The release is freeing and keeps me tethered to my true-self. Reminding me- I'm enough, I'm capable, I'm loved. Freeing others into the same truth.

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Comments (2)

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  • dewayne cheyney2 years ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Your descriptions are so vivid.

  • Vranes Samaha2 years ago

    Well written

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