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If Modesty Were a Person

A Poem

By Langley Häftling Published 2 years ago 1 min read

If modesty was a person, never would she cover herself and hide.

If she had a soul, never would she run from her fears.

She would march through crowds with greater confidence than any other. She has nothing to be ashamed of. She is perfect. She is unblemished.

Every morning when one would wake, they’d put on their masks, and cover up (some less and some more). They either hide too deeply, or shout too loud.

Modesty has as similar look to insecurity, their faces look almost the same. They are not the same.

Insecurity lies, she is fearful. She is ashamed. She is wrong.

Modesty is honest, she is brave. She knows she is perfect, and she is beautiful.

What is the worth of the most valuable thing in the world, when to it, all have access? What is a diamond, if anyone can take it without a price?

It becomes un-treasured.

It becomes cheap.

Modesty is valuable, she knows that she is. Modesty is respect, she is allowed the thigs of value; she is trusted with them.

Modesty is testament that what you have is treasured

and you are to venerate it as it is a value.

No one can steal that from you when you trust her

to protect it.


About the Creator

Langley Häftling

Wenn Vertrauen bedeutet, die eigene Freiheit aufzugeben, bedeutet Misstrauen, ein Diener Ihrer eigenen Unsicherheit zu sein.

Ich werde kein Gefangener zu dieser Welt sein.

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