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I am not supply

Nor will I comply.

By S. RaePublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Mirage of an idealized woman

Expectations that strangle

Can we tighten one more notch?

Vocal cords no longer sounding

Chest compressed under the weight

Triturate and scattered to the winds

I am no more, I am everything

Weaponized words that assimilate

Love engulfing, no space left for me

Past ever present, stewing and projecting

Tyrannical ego ever building walls

Expectations Everest climbing

Compromise to their needs

Entrenched victimhood, not allowing

Gangrenous lesions dehiscing

Conversations marching single lane

Derailment to piston the focus

Emotional punching bag, I am not

Rapport broken to your abuse

Rageful tirades that alienate

Why have I kept you so long

From symbiosis to parasitic

Laid bare to your harvest

You call this love

I call it vampirism

But I hold the key to this cage

Lock has since rusted

From tears unshed and crusted

Key dipped it lard slinks into the hole

Door now open, fear of unknown

Keeping to the shadows, stayed inside

I fear your footsteps, eggshells in abundance

Control became the vehicle of your love

Eyes gouged before the mirror

Fragility binding sight

Scarcity principle governing

Mind’s menagerie blinds you to others

Inner warring demons, jockeying

Saboteur strengthened to abnegation

You are near, but not here

And as of yet, do not hear

Shapeshifting ideals that devalue

Competing principles that disintegrate

Sulfuric acid dripping onto self

Only seeing what you crave

Dismissing that which does not supply

Ego preselecting all that apply

Milked slowly of substance

Until a shell, only to serve and preserve

Stepford skin donned, resenting the mirror

Longing for affirmation

You do not hear my cries

More is all I hear from you

Never feel that I am enough

Will I stop seeking validation of

Poisonous sources, wrapped in pretty disguise

Found my hatchet, long rusted and dusted

Sharpened to my need

To dismantle that which does not serve


About the Creator

S. Rae

Using pen as lantern, with curious gaze do I observe and witness. Humor blended with love, paramount for survival of this heart. Writings to share and release, to birth and make peace. Through vulnerability to the explicit, do I dare.

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