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Humans Can't Hold Stars

A Poem

By Murdering MediaPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Humans Can't Hold Stars
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

She leapt towards the sky, fingers outstretched

To snatch the pretty stars right from it

But stars are not meant for human hands

Their deceptive beauty cries out to her

“Take me, take me!”

And yet, they are so far from her grasp

Even when she thinks she’s close

They slip away, one by one

And she always lands holding none

And in the rare case she can touch one of those stars

Those stars that have her so enthralled

They scald her hands, singe her fingers

For stars are not meant for human hands

She can never hold them tight enough, long enough

She can never bring them back

Yet still she tries in desperation

Not realizing the futility of her quest

For those siren stars twinkle within their dark abyss

And she must have one, just one

Even if stars are not meant for human hands

So she keeps leaping, hoping, dreaming

Of what it would be like when she finally has those stars

For everything, everything, would be right

Once she had her stars

Till she does, her soul will be ripped in two

She can never be complete without them

So what if stars are not meant for human hands?

She needs those stars like she needs air

Craves them like a drug

And the closer she gets, the stronger it grows

The tension boiling like a couple building up to their first kiss

But never following through

And though some try to tell her to give up, give up now

She shakes her head and smiles, just reaching and leaping once more

Spending her whole life chasing her stars

Never wondering, never considering

What she’ll do, if she’ll be satisfied, should she reach them

All she saw were those dang stars

Never bothering to see the world around her

Why would she, when all she needed was so close?

And yet, they were so far

Because while stars were not meant for human hands

Human hearts were meant to fall in love with them

To crave them, desperately wish to hold them

A cruel joke, a punchline that never quite comes through

The fixation driving her to such desperation, such insanity

For all she wanted, all she cared for were those stars

Her heart pounded in her chest, faster and faster, each time she leaped

It sang as she came closer and mourned as she fell back to the earth

She loved the stars

But the stars would never love her back

For stars were not meant for human hands


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