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Goodbye to You

words of bye

By DarkosPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 1 min read
digital art in 2020

We feel like a spectrum for each other two bands of different colors produced by separation but our connections beyond any kind of human and social understanding.

How can we bring the light to its components when there was never darkness of its true. 

Two different languages but we have our own words

 Two different cultures but we speak through its wisdom and support 

Two different ways of behaving and we learn to accept 

Two different perspectives on everything we say and express, but still unite and connect 

Two different feelings of heart in the heart, but all are synchronized

Two different social positions but they even interact and still unite 

Two different meanings to each sense but no wonder we got a chance for a change 

Two strangers, two individuals but still the chemistry flows in phases without a stop Is that love, my soul? 

Every time the mind arrived in your way I write things that I will never say 

Emotions that I will mostly calm down before they will create some hot divine We shouldn’t keep on the emotional state they say, but I can hardly keep my mouth shut about the way I feel every day, and at night I keep the secret for myself but some They flow and fly in their own way, I try to stop, shift or change, but I act opposite on myself in this act of delete

The hassle way to understand didn’t make me fully disconnect

You should know on a day of recent happiness my love for you was just newborn Once I learned to accept myself, and the world, I love me so, I started to love where my heart goes 

And the more I laughed and was in a conscious state, the more pure shining light, I felt from your state

Just the next day ….everything was changed miracle of two both mixed feelings of huge darkness and blessing A gift to take care of, I couldn’t be angry but, I couldn’t celebrate

The shock got me speechless and trying to find a sense in this mess 

I have found myself 

Thank You so Much for Your Reading, Tips & Likes much Love and Big Heart to Your side ! 


About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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