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A love poem

By Mimicking MadnessPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

Make love to me

Insist that I acknowledge thee

I long to know you

Yearning for your touch

As we bargain with our hearts

Allow me to please thee in every way you dream

For pleasing you is my intention

And Pleasure hath overcome me as thou acknowledge me

With every intention I long to feel thee

I long for understanding

For the knowledge of your being

And of the desires you withhold

I long to be the reason for your intensity

To know that it is I who makes you becoming

I yearn to see every impulse you endure because of me

To place my lips upon thee as you succumb to your senses

I long for you to exist inside every part of me

To unite with your body

As I acknowledge you

As you are firm and gentle with me

Consistent with your ambitions

Control me and caress me

As you intimidate me with your arrival

Correct my insubordination as though I were made of innocence

Adjust my composure to please thee,

Until I am pleading

Then modify me to your liking

Let tomorrow’s memories bring me back to this moment

Creating addicting perceptions instantaneously

Becoming that which you envision

whilst innocent I be

Engrave thyself upon me

Without my beckoning

Engrave this feeling into my mind

My only necessity be thee

I long for the memory of you

My intention involving you alone

As I acknowledge

And my senses weaken

Show me no mercy

And exist in my entirety

Correct me to submission

As I acknowledge and call out

Continue your correction

Withdraw my flaws within me

Before limiting me with the entirety of your ability.

Admire me as you enter the passageway of my voice completely

Mold me into transitions

Exist within me everywhere thou be

Forgetting not the lifeblood, until it is brim-fully complete

Objectify my existence, allowing the presence of your beloved to fulfill the emptiness

Objectify every morsel of my being; as you objectify yourself

Engrave this moment within me as our voices harmonize the silence

Gently correct my intentions with your masculinity

Hold back no desire;

Let thyself enjoy the never-ending possibilities without regret

love poems

About the Creator

Mimicking Madness

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