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Dreaming of a Better World

Embracing Love and Kindness in the Stillness of Night..

By PhoenixPublished 11 months ago 1 min read

In the quiet of the night,

When the stars are shining bright,

My thoughts begin to take flight,

And I dream of a world that's right,

Where love and kindness reign with might.

I close my eyes, and visions unfurl,

A tapestry of a better world,

Where compassion's banner is unfurled,

And unity's flag is gently twirled.

In this realm of ethereal dreams,

Discordant notes dissolve in streams,

Harmony's symphony truly gleams,

Resonating with vibrant themes.

Where borders fade and walls recede,

Acceptance blossoms like a seed,

In every heart, a common creed,

For empathy's the only need.

Greed's grip relinquished, power transformed,

Society's fabric tenderly warmed,

Equality's flames eternally stormed,

The broken and weary duly conformed.

Education's gifts shared far and wide,

Ignorance defeated, prejudices defied,

In every child, a flame inside,

Their potential unlocked, undenied.

The world breathes nature's sweet perfume,

With forests green, where creatures bloom,

Sustainability weaves its loom,

Preserving Earth's beauty from its tomb.

A chorus of laughter fills the air,

Joy's laughter, a melody rare,

No pain or sorrow left to bear,

Only love and happiness to share.

Dreaming of a world like this,

Where kindness reigns, ignorance dismissed,

In the stillness, hope persists,

In each heart, a dreamer insists.

As dawn approaches, I hold this vision tight,

A beacon of hope, a guiding light,

For dreams can spark a future so bright,

If we dare to believe, unite, and ignite.

sad poetrylove poemsfact or fiction

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