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A Penny for my Poems

idioms from an idiot

By Jeffrey SparksPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Penny for my Poems
Photo by Elijah Mears on Unsplash

Once in a blue moon, the elephant is in the room.

We know it takes two to tango, but it is a poor worker who blames his tools.

So jump on the bandwagon or let sleeping dogs lie.

As long as you to hang in there.

This might be a blessing in disguise.

And don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

You have bigger fish to fry.

I’d hate for you to miss the boat and not see eye-to-eye.

Take it from me, even if it is not your cup of tea.

You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

But if you want to spill the beans, make sure to look before you leap.

And we all know it ain't over till the fat lady sings.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

So, either weather the storm or rain on someone’s parade.

Choose to be the best thing since sliced bread or lead a wild goose chase.

Just don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Because you can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Everyone knows, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Thanks for reading "A Penny for my Poems." Now here is the fun apart —put this poem through a translator a couple of times and see what you come with ;) Idioms really are fascinating parts to language.

Feel free to comment some of your favorite idioms below!

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About the Creator

Jeffrey Sparks

Adversity is kindling I choose to burn to keep my hands warm in winter ensuring my words will stretch beyond the years that turn my bones to dust.

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