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A living testament

I'm no longer suffering.

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

The cracks in the foundations of my life took years to repair. It was left with no acknowledgement or care. Everyday was a struggle as I fought with myself while juggling and living a double life of pretending to be happy when all I wanted to do was scream.

It's crazy how those on the outside get a small view and think you're doing good but in reality things aren't always what they seem. Walking, when I wanted to fly, laughing when I really wanted to cry. Giving up and losing the will to try breaks your self-esteem and tarnishes your dreams.

I am a living testament that despite my mental breakdown I found my escape to free myself from myself. The self that wasn't capable of healing, loving or giving.

Through my ancestors willing I was saved and the chance to live again with no pain I was gave. I am now staring at the foundation that was once filled with cracks slowly but surely getting it's confidence back despite the scars left behind.


About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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