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Risking Life and Limb to Groom Dagney

How to brush the demons out of a dog

By Brenda MahlerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Image from author's photos

An observer would think I use the dog brush to beat Dagney. The moment she notices it in my hand she cowers and when I approach, she turns her back to implement the ostrich principle, assuming if she can't see me, I can't see her. Her technique effectively makes me feel guilty before I even pick her up. Smart girl because I give her treats, rub her tummy, and ask for forgiveness before the grooming begins.

Our first experience proved painful for us both. As she twisted and turned to wiggle free, the brush tangled the strands into a knotted mess. As I held her tight, her resistance increased, burying the bristles deeper, increasing her resistance, causing me to secure my grip even tighter until she growled and nipped by finger. No blood, she simply sent a warning. Message received.

I dialed a groomer and made an appointment for the following day. When I picked her up after her spa day, the owner reprimanded me for her bad behavior. Apparently, they do not have all the knowledge and tricks to lull a pup into submission. I now know how a parent fills when they are called to the principal's office for a child's behavior. I had some work to do.

Foot massages

Dagney's most sensitive area is her feet. Simply touching them put her on guard when she was little and prompted disgruntled threats in the form growls. So, foot massages became our nightly routine. Most owners would do just he opposite and shy away from her paws, but if ever wanted her to relax when groomed, she had to feel comfortable being touched. After a couple days, trust build and though she didn't welcome me touching her feet, at least I could do so without concern.


The unhappy groomer reported an aversion to the razor and suggested exposing Dagney to a similar sound to decrease her apprehension. I purchased an electric toothbrush from the dollar store and used it to lightly rub her. Overtime she accepted the buzzing and realized this mechanical insect would not inflict pain.

Instead of only bringing out the hairbrush for grooming, it appeared regularly. Sometimes, I would lay it on the couch when we cuddled or place it beside us on the floor when we played. Before long, her instant revulsion decreased to apprehension and eventually, when I held it in my hand, she stopped cowering and instead feigned disinterest. The idea of actually brushing in the future her held less horror.

Hair products

Purchase a detangler to use following the shampoo. Yorkies have such long, fine hair this is a must. I still remember as a kid when my mom would rake the brush through my hair and tears would well up in my eyes. I knew better than to growl because Mom growled louder. Dogs have a natural self-protection instinct so a lotion that untangles and smoothes the hair will increase positive results. A valuable message for all mothers.

Pick the brush

After sharing this story, a reader who is a groomer responded with t his information. Apparently, my suggestion to use the Furminator is wrong. I would like to share the article she provided for the benefit of others. It is informative and will prompt me to make changes.

The Best Brushes & Coat Tools for a Yorkshire Terrier

Image from author's photos.

After exploring numerous combing utensils, the FURminator became our tool of choice. My only concern is that Dagney may go bald because it removes so much hair during the deshedding process. LOL.

Image from author's photos

The FURminator® Ultimate Hair Reduction System™

Take your grooming routine into your own hands by implementing the FURminator® Ultimate Hair Reduction System™: Brush, deShed, Bathe and Discard for grooming confidence in the comfort of your own home.


Image from author's photos.

Image from author's photos.When grooming Dagney, I discovered her preferred position was sitting in the crook of my arm facing left. One of her many quirky behaviors forces her to turn to the left side whenever held. Though it is still her preference, after practice and reinforcement, she will now lay on her side, back and stand tall on her hind legs. All positions that make grooming at home more accessible. She will tolerate my manipulation.

Groom often

In the beginning when I approached Dagney with the brush her negative behaviors began immediately. I discovered by making grooming a regular part of our weekly interactions, it became more routine, and Dagney accepts routines. Overtime, we groomed less and eventually groomed as needed when she accepted the procedure as a necessary evil of life.

Now, she gets a bath once a week and visits the groomer every few months for a hair and nail trim. When we enter, the stylist actually smiles and takes Dagney into her arms willingly. Her report card when we pick her up praises her behavior leaving us proud of our little girl.

Image from author's photos.

Dagney has her own FB page. When you join, be sure to share a picture of your furfriend.


Stories to spark a smile and make you think.


About the Creator

Brenda Mahler


Writing Lessons




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