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How is a bloodhound trained to bite and the basic method is encouragement and coercion

How do bloodhounds bite their prey? When we raise these dogs, we should also give them a series of training, so that they can be more perfect, so that they can play the best role. Bloodhounds also need to be trained to better assist us in their work. So how do you train a bloodhound?

By shejdu.deudPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

How do bloodhounds bite their prey? When we raise these dogs, we should also give them a series of training, so that they can be more perfect, so that they can play the best role. Bloodhounds also need to be trained to better assist us in their work. So how do you train a bloodhound?

How does a bloodhound bite

1. The importance of training

The hunting ability of the hound is partly inherited, and partly cultivated from childhood. A qualified hunting dog, often comes from the hunter's hard coaching results. No strict continuous and timely training, the dog's innate breed is good, but also can not become a good hound. Therefore, hound training is very important.

2. Specially-assigned training

Training the hound, must start from the dog's young age, by the person in charge, can not change the owner of the dog halfway. It is difficult to achieve satisfactory success if you change your head coach in the middle of the course. You can not keep two days, he play, this is bound to disperse the energy of puppies, seriously affect the improvement of hunting ability. If the puppy as a plaything, after growing up can only be a dog for play.

3. Training program and training time

An excellent hound, must have search, chase, pick up these three kinds of hunting skills, therefore, tracking search, chase attack and pick up prey, is the focus of training. The PURPOSE of training is to form a strong hunting conditioning reflex in the puppy's mind and learn these three kinds of hunting skills so as to complete the hunting task given by the hunter in the future.

4. Training place

Puppy primary training can be carried out in the hunter's living area, such as a wide yard, rural threshing ground, outside the village, etc. But the puppy hunting action training must be carried out in the real mountain hunting field. Through the hunting ground training, the full development of hunting skills of the hound, the trainer puppies learn to find trace search, chase attack and pick up prey, to overcome the activities that do not meet the requirements of hunting. The more times puppies participate in real hunting training, the better its hunting ability, therefore, hunters should often lead puppies for training hunting.

5. Basic approach

The basic methods of bloodhound training are encouragement and coercion. Encourage the development of its hunting action, compulsively correct it does not meet the requirements of hunting activities, so we should talk about encouragement and compulsion combined, as the basic method of training the hound. Encouragement means include lure, puppy completed a movement, hunters to give meat in time to encourage; The puppy is timid and dare not enter the water to pick up, the hunter will drag the puppy into the water.

Hunters to encourage or force the method of puppy training, must be gentle, can not kick at will. When the ACTIVITY OF PUPPY DOES NOT conform TO HUNTING requirements, hunters WANT tenacious repeatedly to correct its wrong action, the patient church it predetermined hunting action, must not be accommodated and indulgence, otherwise, will be left on the hound body bad problems, affect the hunting in the future.

The best tracking dog -- the bloodhound

1. The origin of bloodhounds is Belgium. Known as the St. Huberthound, it is one of the oldest, purest and largest olfactory spaniels in the world. It has been described as a modern representation of the oldest breed of the sniff hound, the indicator hound, although centuries of selective breeding have changed its appearance from the breeds praised by the ancients. Yet its characteristics are so distinctive that canine scientists have explored it throughout canine history.

2. The bloodhound's nose is unmatched in all the world. It has an unrelenting ability to track the scent, no matter what means are used to confuse the scent. It has been proven that it can track even odors that are over 14 days old. And set a record for tracking a scent for 220 kilometers. The evidence it uncovered was once admissible in court.

3. Some of the largest bloodhounds in the United States have helped police departments complete convictions more than the best human detectives. One bloodhound was honored for completing more than 600 valid convictions. The dog "Nick Carter" also found the trail 105 hours later and followed it to become incriminating evidence.

4. But purebred bloodhounds are the tamest of all. Unlike police trained dogs, his pursuit is his own way of life so he never attacks the people he's chasing. Once it has a result, its job is done. Although not aggressive, they have proven themselves to be excellent working dogs.


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