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French bulldog training The breeding and training of French bulldogs

French bulldog training, no matter what kind of dog you breed, you need to do a good job of dog training, training them can not only close the relationship between each other, but also help us do a lot of things, so here we talk about the training of French bulldog, see how we should train French bulldog.

By shejdu.deudPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

French bulldog training, no matter what kind of dog you breed, you need to do a good job of dog training, training them can not only close the relationship between each other, but also help us do a lot of things, so here we talk about the training of French bulldog, see how we should train French bulldog.

First, the origin and distribution of bulldogs

Bulldogs are dogs of the canine family, a subspecies of domestic dogs, originally from England, originated in the 19th century. It was a very common breed until 1835, when it was banned in England. Existing French bulldog, American bulldog and other types. The bulldog is the mascot of many schools, organizations, and even countries. Since then, it has been selectively bred and gradually refined. Puppies can have large heads stuck in the birth canal, so female dogs are often delivered by caesarean section. One of the most fighting breeds of dogs!

English bulldog, native to England, is said to have originated from the combination of the mastiff and the bull terrier. The population distribution is almost all over the world, mainly concentrated in Europe, America, Asia and other countries.

Second, the physical characteristics of the bulldog

The British bulldog is 35-50cm high and weighs 20-30kg. It is a medium-sized dog.

The fur is smooth, the body is stout and heavy, the head is large and wide, the mouth is upturned, and the lower jaw is convex and slightly curved than the upper jaw. Broad shoulders and strong limbs. The overall appearance and posture show strength and great stability.

The size of a small but powerful dog with muscles out of proportion to its size. It has a large head, with a head circumference almost equal to its height. The eyes are low, and the fur is mostly white, mixed with many red or fawn markings. The face is short, the nose turned up, flat and broad. The back hair is short and smooth and thick.

Personality; The general shape and posture of the bulldog show great stability, vitality and strength. The bulldog is a calm but friendly, firm, brave (not violent, not aggressive), gentle and dignified, these qualities are shown by its expression and behavior. In general appearance, the ideal bulldog should have a medium body size, a smooth coat, a heavy body with a low swing, a heavy head with a short face, broad shoulders, and strong limbs.

Third, the selection of bulldogs

1. Before choosing to buy, on the one hand, you can refer to some information about the introduction of this dog, on the one hand, you can visit the people who have this dog on the spot to understand the characteristics of each part of the dog's body, so that when choosing, you can do almost everything.

2. The head of the French bulldog should be large and square, the head cover is relatively flat between the ears, and there is a depression between the eyes.

3. The muzzle should be wide and deep, the lips should be soft and broad, the upper face should be muscular, the lower cheek should be deep, square, wide and slightly turned up. The nose is also wider. The lips and nose should be black.

4. Have bright, divine eyes, eyes without cloudy objects. The eyes should be under the head cover, both large and round, far from the ears, prominent, dark; The base of the ear should be very broad, the end of the ear should be round and upright, the root position should be higher, and the ear hair should be fine and soft.

5. The neck should be short and slightly arched, the skin under the neck and throat should be relaxed, and the skin is not sagging.

6. The body should be short and round, strong bones, more developed muscles, wide and deep chest, full ribs and up, wide and short shoulder back, narrow waist, bent buttocks and developed abdomen.

7. Forelimbs should be straight and short, hind limbs should be stronger, longer than forelimbs, feet of moderate size, toes and claws are short. Tail truncated, base thick, pendulous.

8. The coat is short, fine and smooth, soft and shiny, and the coat color is slightly red tiger, light yellow or brown, or there is a magic stripe with white background.

Four, bulldog breeding and training

Food should be nutritious and of good quality. In addition to the dog food, you also need vitamin supplements and calcium. Calcium liquid calcium is the best, calcium powder is the second, calcium tablet absorption of the worst, calcium is the most important is absorption, absorption is not good to eat much useless. Bulldogs must pay attention to calcium supplementation, especially bulldogs before 8 months of age. About nutrition, using dog food, or medicine. If you can't buy it, you can buy it online. Nutritional products can't be bought randomly. You can't just listen to people in pet stores. Try not to give the dog to eat human nutrition, nutrition is not the same. For example, human calcium, and dog calcium phosphorus ratio is not the same, can affect the absorption effect.

Dog food, 2-3 months to feed 4 times a day, the best is to soak soft feeding. Three times a day for 3-5 months and twice a day for 5-12 months. Once a day for age 1 and older.


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