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Your potential

Our nature

By Author Grace RutoPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The brink and birth of a new declaration of victory in life's calamities is the moment life can begin again. The disappointments, the anger, the failures, the set backs, the uncertainties, the short comings and the unanswered prayers. Life in a series, counts as the endlessness of our hearts desires and inclinations. Reality, is our test.

An exam, without guidelines, an unequivocal and historical record of our actions, that determines our situations. The past cannot be rewritten, all we have is the present.

All we can change is the future.

For what good do we gain from living someone else's truth? Afraid to look within us, and see the reflection of our true selves, afraid to try to pursue our dreams, afraid to challenge our situations. Conformity is the flower of conditioning.

Life gives us vast opportunities to rise and claim our right to chart our individual paths. Morality is the fabric of society that embraces the common good, and enables us, and the world to prosper. Humanity, is the cause that plants the seeds of compassion and good will that encourages future.

When we stand together, we are stronger, when we devote our energies to the light within our minds and hearts, we envelope the purpose born of truth within us.

Many of us have our own dicipline, and version of things that can make us happy and fulfilled. We are all unique beings in a diverse universe of matter and spirit. Everyday we choose the things we will do to make ourselves happy. Each day is a history of our lives, of which, we are the authors.

The strength of our soul can swiftly guide us to higher plateaus of consciousness. We are the emblem of a new generation that stems from the courage of our forefathers.

In the name of freedom, and equality, we have gained much faith and hope for a better tomorrow. To be given the rewards of all we wish for, is to be in alignment with our true purpose. A constant striving to swim the ocean waves of life, with the assurance that we shall conquer our fears and insecurities that weigh us down.

Time is the allocated limits that draw in us the passion and conviction that can transform our natural mind to one that knows no boundaries. It is by faith we stand.

It is by hope we sow the seeds that we shall reap one day. Dreams are the fulfilment of what we hold dear in our hearts. They light the path for our lives.

Becoming one with the values and standards we hold sacred is the magnificent realisation that All things are possible!

The story of creation of the world, gives us insight to the divine, who created the worlds, and us. For as the heavens, and the earth, he also created the darkness and the light. We see two opposing forces at work here. Just as our natures, are in direct relationship to good and bad. Would there be no light of day, if the world was only created to have night?

Similarly, would we have all distorted beliefs in good that we cannot acknowledge the shadows of our natures?

It would be far from the truth to visualise the light, without first acceptance of our shadows, and our inner darkness, that deepens our understanding of finally coming to the goodness and light of our very own being. When we shed the pain, the anxieties, the dissapointments, we then awaken our inner light that dispels all darkness. Once we've grasped the light, the shadows no longer have the power to destroy us.

It is in reaching within our inner desires and clear thoughtful contemplation of our darkness, that we begin to seek the truth that will set us free. Loneliness can be our greatest challenge, yet it can also be a blessing. Perceptions of how willing we are to step out of the chains the bind us to misery, and embrace the light of truth, gives us the stamina to begin to live again. Faith precedes the miracle.

Meaning can be found in the crevice of our solitude. Energy is at work throughout our lives. We are energy. The good positive energy brings us blessings of good favourable outcomes in our endeavours. Negative energy, is like a spell of despair and darkness, that clouds our vision and destroys our hope, and without hope, we cannot win. This is the source of all set backs in life.

The universe lives in harmony with all creation, a world of order, created by God.

He is the voice that spoke in the beginning of time, and the world came to be. We came into existence. It is our call and duty, to awake to that voice of creation, and begin to set our sail towards the unknown, and unchatered paths of life, and begin to gain an experience that can enable us to one day have the voice that can create our

thoughts, dreams, hopes, and lives.

Each individual came to this world as a single entity. Each individual has a mind, spirit, heart, soul and body of their own. Each of us has the ability to embrace the good, and attain our higher self, if it is something that we seek. This truth sets us aside from all other animals and creatures of creation. Our choices will determine how fruitful we can be in our existence.

Great gurus, and teachers have shown us the direct correlation of how the mind is a vessel that afffects our way of thinking, and we can either be influenced to make good choices, or bad choices. Suffering of the mind, is the result of neglecting and denial of our potential. Once we see the light in our minds, once we still the mind, once we are able to articulate our lives and start creating the life we dream, we can start again to fulfil what we hope for.

Many times in our lives we are burdened by the expectations that society has placed upon us. We feel a sense of pressure that we must excel in our studies, we must get a good job, we must be determined to acquire material wealth. All these pursuits are worthwhile, but it can be an uphill struggle to attain them if we are not in the right frame of mind. To be an achiever in life, we must first liberate our minds.

A liberated mind is a mind free from the relation of labelling expectations as contrary to our belief systems. A liberated mind is one of which we can attain our goals without the anxieties of fear, worry, dissapointments that come with fear of failing. A mind that soars above the trials of life able to assimilate information, and try different ways to attaining the hopes and dreams we hold so close to our hearts.

self help

About the Creator

Author Grace Ruto

I enjoy writing and try to make the most of my creative talents. I love nature and the great outdoors and I’m always happy to meet new people and appreciate different walks of life. Most of my time is spent watching movies and reading.

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