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Why War?

We have the materials, tools, and know-how to fix many of the issues our world is facing right now. Why war?

By Annelise Lords Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Image by Annelise Lords

Inspired by: Praying for Russia and Ukraine To Replace The Clouds Of War With Peace By Dr. Preeti Singh

I am not here to discuss why the war occurred but to ask you all to join me in praying for Russia and Ukraine To Replace The Clouds Of War With Peace. To have a safe future for our children and us all over the world.

I ask, "Why war?"

What will humanity gain from killing thousands of innocent people? Children are being robbed of the gift of life before they get a chance to share their innovation, talents, and love with humanity.

Thanks to technology, my brain has evolved, and I am sure yours and millions of others have had a similar experience. We get to see more with technology, which means most feel and learn more. We all gain a new understanding of other people's life and living in their habitat. Technology hands us a gift to see life as it unfolds live, direct, and in living color from places, many of us didn't know existed.

Why war?

We know more about our world, ourselves, and each other than we did in the last century thanks to technology. We are learning something new about our environment, life, the planet we call home, and each other daily. Our entrepreneurship had removed boundaries from our ability to be innovative.

Why war?

Technology didn't only give some of us wealth. It also gave us intelligence and insights while sharpening our senses and increasing our awareness. We understand life, living, foods, diseases, animals, cures, remedies from different cultures, etc.

Why war?

Technology helps remove the boundaries from knowledge set by some humans and laws. With so much to learn and grow with, why war?

Understanding increases knowledge. Knowledge increases wisdom.

Why war?

New ways of thinking, creating, learning, teaching, sharing, helping, etc., are limitless and more accessible to most people in our world today than in the last century.

Why war?

Many people are living longer, healthier lives today. Why war?

Our brains are in better shape now than it was in the last half a century. Why war?

We have the materials, tools, and know-how to fix many of the issues our world is facing right now. Why war?

Our entrepreneurship had removed boundaries from our ability to be innovative. Why War?

Unity is within reach thanks to our understanding of technology and communication. Why war?

We can help each other in ways we couldn't twenty years ago.

Why war?

Communication and knowledge are a nanosecond away. Why war?

With the help of Engineers, scientists and doctors have created new ways to prolong human lives. Why war?

Humans with certain deadly diseases live longer now than in the last fifty years. Why war?

Despite experiencing a pandemic, our world is in better shape now than in the past several wars. Technology is a powerful and effective tool. Our world is more efficient now than in the last century. Why war?

Is war more profitable than peace?

Who profits from the destruction of humanity?


I also ask you all to be in gratitude and thank the Almighty that wherever you are and are safe from the problem, continue to be safe and make the world a safe place for all those affected. Send your love and affection to them through your prayers. Prayers have great strength. Dr. Pretti Singh

Yes, prayers possess strength along with hope. Russia's decision to invade Ukraine is handing our world an opportunity to unite. I pray humanity takes this offer.

For the sake and survival of humanity, UNITE FOR PEACE!


Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoy it and will unite for peace.


About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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