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Who on Earth Are We? (Pt. 2)

Part 2—Virtual Reality

By David BonnerPublished 5 years ago 13 min read

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.”

(Niels Bohr)

The world in which you think you live, the dependable, real world, is nothing more than an illusion. So is time, as we shall see later. Your senses deceive you moment to moment, tricking you into believing that the world around you is real—solid. The truth, as we shall explore now, is much stranger.

As we explored earlier, according to quantum theory, all so-called matter is essentially energy, which is vibrating at different speeds.

Due to fundamental, universal geometric laws—Sacred Geometry—this gives rise to sub-atomic particles, which in turn gives rise to atoms, which form molecules, which form everything else—including the cells that make up you and I.

When most people think about what an atom looks like, they imagine the textbook picture from school, of a little cluster of balls packed together in the centre (the nucleus), with one or more slightly smaller balls (electrons) orbiting around it, a small distance away.

In reality, this is a vast oversimplification, as we shall see.

Another way to look at an atom is like this:

Imagine you are standing in the dead centre of Wembley stadium. You bend down and place a golf ball in the grass. This represents the nucleus of an atom. You then walk all the way up to the last row of seats, right at the back of the stands. You bend down and place a pea on the ground. This represents an electron (in the first orbital shell), orbiting around the nucleus!

With this view, you might deduce that atoms comprise mostly empty space, and look exactly like tiny little solar systems. However, about 100 years ago, scientists discovered that this way of looking at atoms (the Bohr model) was, essentially, wrong.

You see, electrons are not actually little localised bits of energy or solid matter orbiting around the nucleus but are, in fact, wave forms, or fields of energy, that spread out and surround the nucleus like a bubble or toroid, called a standing wave; filling every possible point within the bubble (or toroid) at the same time.

The scale from our previous example with the football field stands, however electrons are not actually little “planets”, with a fixed point at any given moment.

Approximately 99.999% of an atom is in fact an electrically charged field— not what we would normally consider to be solid matter. This is an important point to consider because, if an atom is made almost entirely of non-physical wave forms or electrical fields, then so are you.


But wait, the world certainly looks solid enough, doesn't it? So what's the deal? Why aren't we all invisible, or partly transparent?

We see by detecting the visible light that bounces off the objects around us. Visible light (red to violet, like the rainbow) has a wavelength that is about a thousand times larger than an atom. Therefore, when visible light hits an object made of many atoms (for example, a metal spoon) it is not really interacting with one isolated atom at a time. Light interacts with many atoms at once.

Furthermore, when atoms bond into a solid structure, they don't act like independent atoms anymore. The atoms bond into an integrated structure, and the outer electrons smear out into waves that stretch over many atoms. So, when you have sunlight reflect off of your metal spoon and into your eye, allowing you to see it, there is not really a stream of photon particles, each individually interacting with different, separate atoms.

Photons spread out over many atoms, interacting with the outer electrons, which also spread out over many atoms. You aren't really seeing atoms when you look at an object. You are looking at light interacting with the bonding lattice between the atoms. This is why carbon can appear black when arranged into a graphite lattice and clear when arranged in a diamond lattice.

My point here is simply that matter is mostly comprised of waves, or vibrating fields of energy and our usual, familiar perception of the world around us is actually an illusion.


Our eyes have evolved, for lack of a better term, to see what we need to see. To deal with so-called reality; within our current density of existence, in the physical bodies that we presently inhabit. In fact, we only perceive about 1% of the actual spectrum.

There is a vast array of Light, of vibrational information, all around us, all the time, that we are usually completely unaware of; that we don’t consciously perceive and therefore our brains “filter it out”.

But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.

We often rely on our senses; our outer senses, to tell us how the world truly is. And this is a naive way of looking at things. Because it constricts us; it limits our understanding. We often forget that the rest of the animal kingdom doesn’t operate the way that we do. We think that we have the best of it all; we see in colour, we have 360 degree hearing, we can taste, touch, and smell—but—we’re actually not that good at any of it, comparatively speaking.

You can’t hear the radio stations that you pick up on your car stereo with your ears - but you know the frequencies are there - because you can tune your radio to hear them. You can’t see the television pictures that are flying around you in the air all the time with your eyes, but you know they are there because your television has the necessary hardware to intercept, decode, and display the information to you in a way you can understand.

You don’t hear the way a bat or a dolphin does, using echolocation for navigation, but we accept that this is reality because, well - there is an animal that does it, and we can clearly observe the results. You don’t see using smell like a dog does, but—well, we know they do it, because they can follow a scent like as if visually laid out in front of them.

In fact, some research would indicate that a dog's sense of smell is actually more powerful than their sight; that they actually do see smells in their brain. In vivid colour.

You can’t navigate around the globe in the way that migrating birds do, but we know that they can actually see magnetic ley lines on the Earth, because they have magnetic receptor cells in their eyes that allow them to do so. Google Maps, eat your heart out. Nature beat you to it, a long time ago.

What am I striving at here? Simply, that our conscious perception of the world around us is based largely on our primary five senses. That we all too easily rely on them as sound evidence of the way the world is. This is wrong. There is a vast amount of information all around us, all the time, that we are usually unable to detect.

There are ways and means, some of which we shall explore later as our story unfolds, that allow you to see past the veil of consensus reality, to change your perception, and to experience altered states of awareness (without the use of drugs, I must stress). To peer into other vibrational ranges of the spectrum and even to interact with them…

Everything you need to discover who you really are, what you really are, is already within you.


We perceive what we believe we will perceive. This is a very important point; and if this sounds a little strange, consider the following story about a stage hypnotist from Michael Talbot’s book, Holographic Universe:

“But the highlight of the evening was when he told Tom that when he came out of trance, his teenage daughter, Laura, would be completely invisible to him. Then, after having Laura stand directly in front of the chair in which Tom was sitting, the hypnotists awakened him and asked him if he could see her.

Tom looked around the room and his gaze appeared to pass right through his giggling daughter. 'No,' he replied. The hypnotist asked Tom if he was certain, and again, despite Laura's rising giggles, he answered no. Then the hypnotist went behind Laura so he was hidden from Tom's view and pulled an object out of his pocket. He kept the object carefully concealed so that no one in the room could see it, and pressed it against the small of Laura's back. He asked Tom to identify the object.

Tom leaned forward as if staring directly through Laura's stomach and said that it was a watch. The hypnotist nodded and asked if Tom could read the watch's inscription. Tom squinted as if struggling to make out the writing and recited both the name of the watch's owner (which happened to be a person unknown to any of us in the room) and the message. The hypnotist then revealed that the object was indeed a watch and passed it around the room so that everyone could see that Tom had read its inscription correctly.

When I talked to Tom afterwards, he said that his daughter had been absolutely invisible to him. All he had seen was the hypnotist standing and holding a watch cupped in the palm of his hand. Had the hypnotist let him leave without telling him what was going on, he never would have known he wasn't perceiving normal consensus reality.”

How did Tom see through his daughter, completely unaware of her presence, and manage to not only see the watch, but read the inscription on it? Is this really possible? Can our expectation of reality - which can be altered under hypnosis and with meditation techniques, change our perception of it?

Or perhaps consensus reality is nothing more than a projection of our own minds, our Consciousness; behaving exactly as we believe or expect that it should? What if Consciousness is not a by-product of the physical world, a random, survival-of-the-fittest result of evolution—but instead, things are in fact the other way around - and Consciousness actually creates the physical world, like a mass hallucination, which we all share, based on our common beliefs about how the world should be?

What if the so-called outer world responds to our intentions, to our observations, to our very thoughts? This, as we shall soon see, is indeed the case, and is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction.

For Tom, whilst he was under hypnosis, he literally could not see or hear his daughter, despite her standing right in front of him, and giggling. And he could see right through her and identify the pocket watch in the hypnotists hand, and even read the inscription on the watch. In his altered state of Consciousness, what he believed to be real, was real for him. Reality was as he perceived it to be. His daughter was literally “not there," from his personal perspective. In this state, he had stepped out of the mass hallucination, and saw the world from a unique perspective, quite different to that of everyone else in the room.

You might be tempted to think that he was hallucinating, or perhaps it was all an elaborate trick, and he was in on the act; part of the show, to hoodwink the audience. Of course, this is a possibility.

One of the core messages I would like to try and drive home in this book is that even in the face of overwhelming evidence, we should always keep an open mind—always consider other possibilities. Never blindly believe anything you are told, or read, always use your own discernment and judgement—go with what resonates for you. Do your own research. But, always consider all the options. Keep an open mind. It won’t fall out!

It is entirely possible the the hypnotist was a trickster, and somehow fooled everyone—but then, it is equally possible that something far more profound was taking place. That Tom was creating his own reality based on his beliefs and expectations.


To look at this another way, let's consider the now infamous (and recently verified) double-slit experiment.

Simply put, in this experiment, a single photon of light is fired towards a plate with two tiny slits in it. The reason for conducting the experiment was to prove that light is actually a wave, like electrons, and should therefore pass through both slits at the same time, and create an interference pattern on a detector, like ripples in a pond.

However, if photons are actually particles, then it should only pass through one slit or the other, and then hit the detector cleanly, like a little dot.

The results of this experiment are mind-blowing, to say the least. You see, the photons somehow knew whether they were being observed or not - and changed their behaviour accordingly.

If the experiment was observed, then the photons behaved like particles. However, if no equipment was used to observe the photons as they passed through the slits, then they behaved as both particles and waves.

The very act of observing the photons caused them to behave like particles, like solid matter. But if they were not being observed, they stayed in a state of flux, both particles and waves, at the same time.

The ramifications of this discovery have still not been fully explored or contemplated by mainstream science, and this is, I feel, a shame. How does a particle of light know that it is being watched? How could it possibly know? And yet, the experiments verify that, against all rational thinking, this would appear to be the case.

The very act of observation, of focusing attention, causes the thing being observed to respond and change.


More recent experiments in this field have shown that, under very precise and controlled laboratory conditions, even with the decision to observe the particle being made nanoseconds before it actually passes through the slit, that 93% of the time the particle still changed its behaviour accordingly. This kind of result is considered conclusive proof in any scientific experiment. In order for this to happen, the research says, the information about the decision would need to have been somehow transmitted to the photon at four times the speed of light, which according to current physics, is impossible, as nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Or can it?

Quantum Entanglement is a very strange state of affairs where two separate particles can become inextricably and permanently linked, or entangled. Once this has occurred, the particles can be any distance apart, a few meters, a few miles—a few light years apart (apparently, we have no way to verify this yet, sadly) and any change in state that happens to one particle instantly happens to the other.

If nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, then how does this happen? How does the information get from one particle to the other, without any time elapsing?

This all, I admit, sounds a little crazy. Later, we shall talk about the Law Of Attraction, and explore the Law Of One in more detail. For now, I would ask that you simply try and absorb the bigger picture I will try and paint in the upcoming chapters, and don’t judge too harshly or prematurely. The rabbit hole goes deep, and we are only just teetering on the edge.


Human beings are explorers, by nature. We have charted the four corners of the Earth, sent craft into the deep oceans, into space and to other planets within our solar system, and even beyond. We have started to explore the very fabric of physical reality in recent years—and with the advent of such miracles of science as CERN and the LHC, we are discovering that the real world is a very strange place indeed. What we are starting to find is that inner space is even more strange and mysterious than outer space.

In the microcosm, particles appear and disappear mysteriously, are mostly made of electro-magnetic fields, bond together to form “physical” matter, and somehow react to observation and change their behaviour, their very state.

Particles can become entangled, and share information instantly over vast distances. We are made of mostly pure energy, which is not physical, solid matter. We can only usually perceive a small fraction of the spectrum of Light that is actually around us all the time.

Under hypnosis, it is possible to see through so-called physical matter, and become completely unaware of its very existence. Nothing is what is seems.

The physical world is quite literally an illusion, a hologram; a projection of our own Consciousness—virtual reality.

self help

About the Creator

David Bonner

David's focus is to assist in raising awareness of our oneness with each other and to help facilitate a peaceful transition in awareness enabling us to interact, communicate and engage with conscious, intelligent life throughout the cosmos.

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