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What People Are Missing About “The Secret”

A (very) deep dive

By Jonathan PeykarPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The movie leaves lots of “blind spots” when it comes to manifestation and how reality tends to work.

From a marketing standpoint, it makes sense; people will always prefer “push a-button” solutions rather than complex ones.

So the main message was simple.

“Think positive and positive things will happen.” How convenient. All you have to do is think and act when the time is right.

It was only when I read “Reality Transurfing”, an 800 pages book about shaping reality translated from Russian, that my life started to shift significantly.

I believe the following will help you de-clutter your mind when it comes to manifestation, at the very least.

You’ll probably need to read the book, but you’ll immediately move in the right direction with powerful tools at your disposal.

A Crash Course In Shaping Reality

Pendulums (freeing your energy)

Manifestation requires energy- your energy. The issue is, most people don’t have a lot of free energy, to begin with. Our first task will be to free your energy to use it however we want.

What’s wasting your energy without your permission is what’s called a Pendulum; an energy infrastructure created when lots of people think about the same thing.

The weather.

The government.

Certain diseases.


Specific politicians, celebs, etc.

You’re worried. You’re scared. You think about these issues 24/7, invest emotional and mental energy, and can’t let go. You’re tangled in the web of those Pendulums.

You need to start ignoring these matters to free yourself, and the Pendulum will fall through. Whether you support or against them, it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re involved- they’re using your energy.

Don’t support or resist. Ignore. Don’t let it bother you.

That’s why I’m not watching the news anymore, don’t read newspapers, and intentionally keep myself detached from any bullshit that’s going on and creating hype.

Balancing Forces (keeping yourself free)

When you stand on a cliff, you feel a strong pull towards the edge and a pull towards safety at the same time. These are the Balancing Forces in action.

Everything in life strives towards balance.

When these forces act against you, it feels like everything is bound to be shitty and unsuccessful. Nothing is working. And the harder you try, the worse things tend to become.

Here’s how the Balancing Forces act in our lives. When we give too much importance to something, we create a lot of excess potential in our reality.

If you look at your life, you can make sense of it pretty quickly- the things that don’t work out for us are the ones we consider very important.

The balancing forces have to eliminate that excess potential to restore the balance. And the easiest way to do it is to shake you hard and NOT give you what you want- this will require less energy than manifesting it into your life.

For example, let’s say you want to start dating potential mates and find a relationship.

But the harder you try, the more elusive the goal becomes. It’s only when you let go- THEN opportunities suddenly start to show up.

You keep the balance in your life by keeping, or at least trying to keep, importance at a minimum.

Once you start implementing that, life becomes a much easier ride.

Choosing Your Things (goals that are meant for you)

This is a big one. Lots of times, we choose goals that aren’t “ours". We’re influenced by others and adopt THEIR goals. On the path toward false goals- everything is hard. No matter what you try, it seems like problems keep stacking themselves on top of another.

The best analogy to explain that would be fashion.

When you’re shopping around and see an item you genuinely like, you pick it up, put it on, and immediately know you like it. It’s meant for you.

When you genuinely want something, you don’t have to convince yourself you want it. Listen to your intuition. If deep down your goal doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Visualization (done properly)

This needs to be done right. It’s not rocket science, though. The most important thing is to visualize the NEXT step towards reaching your goal, not only the final result.

It doesn’t hurt to think about the end goal, but sometimes the goal is too “far away” from your current life’s situation that it won’t work.

Break it down into smaller steps.

If you’re working on a big project, visualize how you achieve the next sub-goal. Once you reach that sub-goal, visualize the next one.

If you’re working at the gym towards a specific look you want to achieve, try focusing on one particular part of your body first.

Then the rest. You get the idea. Visualize the next chain in the link, not only the result. Outer Intention (the engine of manifestation)

We usually use Inner Intention to get the things we want out of life. That is, the “physical” actions we take to achieve our goals.

There’s another dimension to this, which improves your odds dramatically. It’s called Outer Intention- a force that’s activated when your heart and mind is in unity; when there’s zero dissonance within you towards something.

Your mind wants it, but also your heart. It applies to goals that aren’t motivated by ego, for example.

Let’s say I want to get into real estate. My mind think it’s cool- I’ll make tons of money, buy nicer things, my “social status” will probably improve, and so on.

The issue is, deep inside, I don’t want to do it. There’s nothing in real estate that makes me feel good about it.

There’s no unity between my heart and mind- so my goal has almost zero chances of manifesting.

To use the powerful force of Outer Intention and manifest things like a true wizard, your heart and mind need to agree on your goals.

Delay In Manifestation

The best analogy for understanding this is by looking at a lucid dream. When you dream lucid, you can manifest everything you want within moments. That’s because a dream is a world based on images, so everything happens immediately. But the real world is a world of matter- it’s almost inert.

So what you wish for does come true; it just takes time. There’s a delay between your “wishes” and them happening in your life.

Fuuu… that was a long-ass post.

I hope I was able to help, even just a bit.

self help

About the Creator

Jonathan Peykar

I write about relationships, life lessons, and self-improvement.

Get my free ebook, "Life Lessons From Getting Rejected by Hundreds Of Women"

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