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What Is This Trying To Teach Me?

A guide to self love and empowerment

By Christina DeFeoPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read
My chalkboard wallpaper in my living room.

One of the key ways to elevate your mind, body, and soul is to change the questions you ask yourself and the Universe. The question of why is irrelevant most of the time. Change the why question to what and you may begin to see a change. Every obstacle is a lesson and every quarrel is a chance to learn something about yourself and the other party, if any. This is one of the most powerful lessons I have learned that has power shifted my way of thinking.

What is this trying to teach me?

You want to know why you keep attracting a certain type of individual...maybe because you keep allowing yourself to be treated a certain kind of way and there is a lesson to learn from their behaviors. What does their insecurities potentially say about you? Do their selfish ways mirror any type of similarity to you? We attract all types of people, places, and things, but it's up to us to immediately reject what we don’t want in order to accept what we do. Never compromise your standards.

What is this trying to teach me?

To be honest with yourself, maybe stop believing you deserve a certain kind of treatment because of your past mistakes. Punishing ourselves, are we? Start elevating your thoughts about yourself, your energy vibrations and frequencies to reflect the personal standards and frequencies you have set. Give yourself more credit than you do. Stop breaking the promises you make to yourself and start enforcing those standards, boundaries, and promises by accepting NO BEHAVIOR that goes against them.

What is this trying to teach me?

Relationship troubles often mirror personal insecurities and/or personal beliefs. You may think you are secure in your personal beliefs, but your outer verse shows otherwise. Be honest with yourself. The word relationship does not only refer to dating, but also includes platonic ones with friends, family, associates, acquaintances, strangers and the most important one, the relationship with yourself.

What is this trying to teach me?

To change your speech. When you have the desire to be rich while professing to be constantly broke will leave you in a state of stagnancy - those two actions cancel each other out so in turn nothing changes. Professions like “Ugh, all I attract are cheaters and liars' ' bring you the cheaters, liars, AND the good ones to test you on which you will actually entertain. If you’re giving the cheaters and liars your attention and not dropping them at the first red flag then you're closing the door on the good that is waiting for you, that you asked for. The stresses of everyday life feel like boulders on your shoulders because your mouth keeps professing “I can’t” when you absolutely can and are. How did you make it this far? The way you speak to yourself during hard times, sad times, mistakes, grievances, failures, missed opportunities, laziness, makes all the difference because your spirit doesn’t recognize a difference.

What is this trying to teach me?

Replace I can’t, with I can and I am. Tell yourself you’re good enough and worthy even when you fail and don’t feel it because you are. Create habits and routines that build and maintain confidence that steadily keep your thoughts, vibrations, and frequency high during the good times, but especially the troublesome. Of course you are allowed to your feelings and self expression, but does that have to include self put downs and negative self talk?

What is this trying to teach me?

Consistent action creates habits that form into routines. Set reminders. Write encouraging, positive notes to yourself that correlate with your goals. Writing is one of the most powerful tools towards manifestation. I recommend using the book, Project 369, The Key To The Universe, as your tool guide. It will help you transform your actions into habits and routine. This book has helped significantly to transform my life into exactly what I was asking for.

What is this trying to teach me?

It's about progress, not perfection. Start with the small pieces because that forms your bigger picture. Self care, self love, self discipline, and self control are major keys to any successful endeavor or relationship. Tackle one new action weekly that contributes towards your goal and be consistent. You are the creator of your reality, so surround yourself with the people, places, and things that parallel the reality you are trying to create.

What is this trying to teach me?

Join Facebook groups that encourage your positive beliefs. Follow Instagram pages that remind you of who you are and the type of people who bring out the best in you. Change your timelines and feeds to match your confidence and fuel your self worth rather than fill it with that that makes you envious, sad, hoping, but not doing, and wishing, but not changing. Write down your goals, big and small, maybe separate lists, so they are in your face everyday as reminders and cross them out as you complete them.

What am I trying to teach you?

Remind yourself daily of who you truly are and be it no matter the circumstance or feeling you have towards that day. Your self worth already exists, your dreams and desires are already on their way to you, but are you truly prepared to receive them? Deep down in the depths of your soul, when you’re alone, in the mirror, crying in the bed at night, when you're your absolute authentic self, how do you truly feel about yourself? Do you have anything nice to say? Do you speak love?

If I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?

My daily affirmations and reminders that I repeat especially when I feel down.

Here is a list of things that I do to keep my spirit high on a daily:

  • Meditate
  • Speak positively about myself even when I feel low
  • Leave myself positive, reinforcement notes all over my house
  • Created a chalkboard wall to make my note writing more fun and creative
  • Journal
  • Read books, articles, magazines, blogs associated with my goals.
  • Talk out loud because sometimes all it takes is a little conversation with myself to figure things out.
  • Make time for myself and not excuses
  • Drink water. This one is underrated. Our body needs water and lack of it can cause negative feedback and mood swings.
  • Communicate and be direct with my message .
  • Say no when I want to . This one takes courage and a will to stay firm, but that’s why the results are so rewarding.


Sometimes you may feel you know enough on your own to make a change, but sometimes it's that refusal to try something new and different that will prevent the change you want to see. That was me, I felt I knew what I was doing, but obviously not if I was miserable, grouchy, unmotivated, and lacked confidence.

I did not write this article to bash anyone or a means to pass judgement, I wrote this article because someone is waiting for this message. Someone is asking where to begin and here are some answers for you. We need to become inventive with our internal resistance in order to excel in the areas we desire. This is for the person looking for the motivation to start, no more excuses, no more waiting until Monday, or the New Year, it’s time to start now.

Grab a pen, pencil, crayon, marker, chalk and write down the one thing you want to do differently tomorrow. Put it on your fridge, bedroom mirror, bathroom mirror, wall behind your computer, on your TV and DO IT. Do this one thing for a couple days or a week, then write something new. Do both and repeat the process until you have formed some new habits. If you have goals and find it hard to get things done, this is an amazing place to start and try.

This is the first of many articles to come that will help someone start new habits and shift their way of thinking towards self love. In order to build healthy, honest relationships with others, we need to love ourselves first.


About the Creator

Christina DeFeo

A mom looking to express and lose herself in some imagination.

Facebook: @TinaChrisTheBookkeeper

Instagram @TinaChris_thewriter

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