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What are the 4 Elements of Self Motivation

Self Motivation

By Arun kumarPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Self Motivation

It's tough to stay motivated throughout the day, week, month, or even year. Sometimes we all need a push in the right direction. Luckily, there are four essential elements to self motivation that can help you get (and stay) on track.

Any successful self-motivation strategy will incorporate all four of these core elements. So what are they? Read on to find out!

Understanding Self Motivation

Self motivation is something that we all strive for. We want to be the best that we can be, and achieve our goals. But sometimes it's hard to get started, and even harder to maintain that drive.

There are 4 elements of self motivation that can help you achieve your goals:

1. Vision: You need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. What is your end goal?

2. Passion: You need to be passionate about your vision. It needs to excite you and make you want to jump out of bed in the morning.

3. Purpose: Why are you doing this? What is your purpose? Why do you want to achieve this goal?

4. Persistence: You need to be willing to work hard and not give up when the going gets tough.

Goal Setting: The First Element

When it comes to motivation, goal setting is key.

You need to have a goal in mind, something that you're working towards. That doesn't mean your goal has to be big or lofty—it can be something small and manageable, as long as it's something that you're working towards and can see yourself achieving.

But don't just set a goal for the sake of having one. Make sure that it's something that matters to you, that's important to you and that you want to achieve. Because if you don't truly care about the outcome, then you're not going to put in the work needed to achieve it.

Belief & Commitment: The Second Element

Once you've identified what it is that you want to achieve, it's time to start building the belief that you can do it. This is where the second element of self motivation comes in: commitment.

When you're fully committed to something, it means you're ready to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You're not going to give up easily, and you'll be more likely to push through the tough times. You'll also be better able to stay focused on your goal, and avoid distractions that might pull you off track.

So how do you go about building this kind of commitment? It's not always easy, but one way is to start by thinking about the consequences of not achieving your goal. What would happen if you failed? What would be the cost? Once you've really understood the negative consequences of not succeeding, that's when the commitment will start to take hold.

Overcoming Obstacles: The Third Element

The third element for self-motivation is overcoming obstacles – this is about confronting and dealing with the problems and obstacles that stand in the way of your goal.

It’s easier to be motivated if you can identify, and then overcome, any issues that are getting in the way. For instance, if you have a fear of public speaking, then seek out advice on how to tackle it or seek help from an experienced public speaker.

And don’t forget, the great thing about tackling obstacles is that it builds your resilience, determination and commitment. These qualities can help you stay focused and stay motivated - even when things get tough.

It’s also a good idea to break down any big tasks or goals into smaller chunks so they feel more achievable and less daunting. This will give you more confidence to press on towards achieving your goals.

Positive Self Talk: The Fourth Element

The fourth element is positive self-talk—talking to yourself in a constructive, optimistic way. In our minds, we can create a magical space for ourselves that can help us achieve our goals and reach our highest potential.

Positive self-talk helps to combat negative thoughts and anxieties, allowing us to stay focused on our goals. It also helps to keep us motivated and build up our confidence as we feel more capable of tackling difficult tasks.

By reframing our negative thoughts into positive ones, we’re able to boost our own productivity and performance levels.

For example, instead of focusing on the things you don’t have or cannot do, focus on what you can do or have already achieved in the past. You can even make it a habit of writing lists of your successes or remind yourself of what you’re capable of.

Reframing your thoughts in this way shifts the focus onto something more encouraging, pushing yourself towards ultimately achieving success with whatever it is you set out to do.

Making Self Motivation Part of Your Life

Now that you know the four elements of self motivation, what’s the best way to make them a part of your daily life?

The key is to consistently practice the techniques and tools that will help harness your inner motivation. This means showing up for yourself every day and cultivating self-awareness.

Make sure you have time for quiet contemplation and reflection—something as simple as taking a few moments each morning to set the tone for your day can have a major impact on how motivated you are.

Also, take note of what triggers your motivation and invest in activities that spark your enthusiasm and build confidence. That could include anything from reading inspiring books or listening to podcasts, working out or taking on a new skill. Whatever works for you—find it, practice it, and make it part of your daily routine.

And don’t forget to reward yourself along the way! The occasional treat will keep you motivated and help you stay focused on reaching those goals.


There you have it—the four essential elements of self-motivation. By incorporating all four of these into your life, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals. Just remember, motivation is a journey, not a destination, so enjoy the process and don’t be too hard on yourself if you have an off day.

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About the Creator

Arun kumar

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