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Want To Be A Better Leader? 3 Simple Self-reflection Tips

3 Self-Reflection Practices That Will Help You Become a More Dynamic Leader

By Ilam PadmanabhanPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Want To Be A Better Leader? 3 Simple Self-reflection Tips
Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Leadership is an essential part of any organization, and it requires hard work to be successful. It requires a leader to possess a variety of skills such as problem-solving, communication, and decision-making. Furthermore, it also necessitates being able to motivate employees, and inspiring them to do their best work.

The one skill that differentiates successful leaders from those who are not as effective is self-reflection. It allows leaders to consider how their decisions have affected others, and to identify areas for improvement.

Being able to self reflect is a sign of mastering the art of leadership. Leaders who can take an honest look at themselves and learn from their mistakes are much more effective than those who cannot. In order to be able to lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself. And that is never an easy task.

There are a number of different exercises that leaders can use to help them with self-reflection. We'll look at some of them in this post.

1. Identifying and Understanding Your Core Values

Being an effective leader means understanding and reflecting your core values in all of your decisions. This is the only way to ensure that you are truly authentic in your role, both to yourself and to those you are leading.

It takes courage to identify what matters most to you, but the rewards of doing so—both professional and personal—are worth it.

Let’s take a closer look at why living your leadership starts with identifying and understanding your core values.

What Are Core Values?

Your core values are the fundamental principles that define who you are as a person, and will influence how you act both in business and life in general. Your core values can be anything from honesty to hard work; whatever drives you every day, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

By harnessing this knowledge of yourself, you can use it to move forward with greater confidence and clarity, making better decisions for yourself and those around you.

How Can I Identify My Core Values?

The best way to identify your core values is by taking some time out for reflection. Ask yourself questions such as “What do I believe in above all else?” or “What drives me when making decisions?” Be honest with yourself; there is no right or wrong answer here - only what matters most to YOU.

Once identified, write down these key words - they will become invaluable during times of decision-making or when facing a difficult situation.

How Can I Use My Core Values To Lead More Effectively?

Once you have identified your core values, it's time to put them into action! As a leader, it is important that your actions reflect those same principles which matter most to you.

Remember that even small tasks can be an opportunity for leadership; living by example will demonstrate the importance of the activities which make up our daily lives – from simple interactions with colleagues through to more complex problem-solving scenarios.

It really is true that there is no greater way of living than by living each day according to what matters most to us as individuals – our own set of personal core values!

To be an effective leader requires self-awareness and commitment – two things which start with identifying and understanding our own unique set of core values. Our core values form the foundation upon which we build our lives; they shape how we interact with others, how we approach difficult situations, how we make decisions – essentially everything!

By being true to ourselves through living our leadership journey in alignment with our own set of beliefs and standards, not only will we lead more effectively but also feel more satisfied with ourselves overall on a daily basis! That really is something worth striving for!

2. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is one of the most important steps in becoming an effective leader. Once you’ve identified what you are good at and where you need improvement, you can focus on developing yourself as a leader.

Let’s take a look at why it is so important for leaders to have an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

One of the key benefits of knowing your strengths and weaknesses is that it will help you become more self-aware. When you become aware of your shortcomings, you can begin to develop strategies to improve them or delegate tasks to others who are better equipped to handle them.

For example, if you know that public speaking isn’t one of your strong suits, then you can delegate those tasks to someone else on your team or work with a coach on how to become better at it. On the other hand, if there are areas where you excel, such as organization or problem-solving skills, then these should be your core competencies as a leader.

In addition to helping with delegation and focusing on development, understanding your strengths and weaknesses also gives you insight into potential pitfalls or mistakes that could cost you dearly.

If there are areas where you lack experience or knowledge, then being aware of this can help prevent costly errors down the road when decisions need to be made quickly in fast-paced environments.

By being aware of any gaps in experience or ability ahead of time allows leaders time to prepare themselves accordingly before entering into difficult situations.

Finally, having an understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses will give insight into how best to lead others effectively as well as provide guidance for building successful teams that complement each other’s skillsets.

As a leader, it is important for all members of the team feel heard, valued and respected in order for everyone involved to achieve success together.

By taking the time to understand our own individual strengths and weaknesses we equip ourselves with valuable insights into our capability as leaders while also providing us with opportunities for growth both personally and professionally.

With this newfound knowledge we can delegating tasks efficiently while avoiding costly missteps along the way –allowing us become even better leaders going forward!

3. Understand your triggers

Whether you are a leader at work, in your community, or in your home life, it’s important to know and understand your triggers. A trigger is an event or situation that causes you to react in a certain way - usually not the most positive of reactions.

When we understand our triggers, we can take steps to avoid them or manage them better when they arise.

What Is a Trigger?

A trigger is an event or situation that causes you to react emotionally. It might be something someone says or does; it could be a stressful event such as an upcoming deadline; it could even be something small like being cut off in traffic.

Whatever the trigger may be, it can cause us to react in negative ways, such as becoming angry or anxious.

Identifying Your Triggers

The first step in managing our triggers is identifying what they are. This can sometimes be difficult because we don’t always realize when something has set us off. Keeping a journal can help here; writing down any situations that cause us distress can help us identify patterns and recognize our own triggers more easily.

Additionally, talking with friends and family members (or even a Career Coach) who know us well can also help us gain insight into our triggers – they may notice things that we don’t see ourselves.

Managing Your Triggers

Once you have identified your triggers, the next step is learning how to manage them effectively. This might mean taking steps to avoid certain situations altogether (if possible). For example, if you find yourself getting angry when your manager cuts you off during a meeting, look for alternate ways to communicate with your manager on how it impacts you!

If avoidance isn’t possible, finding strategies for dealing with your triggers constructively can help as well. Deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices such as meditation, and talking through your feelings with supportive people are all helpful tools for managing challenging emotions.

Knowing and understanding your triggers is an essential part of becoming an effective leader – both for yourself and for those around you. Taking the time to identify what sets you off and then finding constructive ways of dealing with those situations is key to managing difficult emotions and staying in control of yourself in tricky situations.

With practice and dedication, learning how to manage your triggers will become easier over time – so there’s no need to feel overwhelmed! Start small by writing down any situations that make you feel uncomfortable or anxious so that you can start developing strategies for managing those situations more effectively going forward.

Wrap Up

If you want to be an effective leader, being able to self-reflect is key. Good leaders learn from their mistakes instead of making the same ones over and over. To lead others well, you must be willing and able to first lead yourself - and that's not easy!

But it's worth the effort, as understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, triggers and learning how to manage them effectively will help you become a better leader for yourself and others.

Go be the leader you were meant to be!

self help

About the Creator

Ilam Padmanabhan

More here- Headway vs Blinkist vs getAbstract, ArticleForge, blogging,

Career coach, growth & aspirations,



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