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By TestPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Time is something so simple, yet the most expensive currency in the world.

Memories and moments.

Instances where someone dedicated pieces of themselves to you.

I cry for short periods throughout my day, almost like my heart has the hiccups.

Trying to stay busy and positive.

I still love my mornings, I wake up at crazy times in the morning. I think about different things and objectives.

My reflection today is that men want women who are capable of living life without them.

Especially high value men, because they’re going to be the kind to always be busy with other things and responsibilities.

There will be moments to spend together, but it may not be something that’ll be possible all the time, the way I always imagined.

I’m clingy to a fault, feeling like I was in a sense kicked out of what in my heart was my home.

I’m still just a wandering soul and need time to enjoy my time alone.

One thing is being alone, another is enjoying time alone.

You shouldn’t want someone just because you’re alone.

If you are capable of enjoying time alone, spending time with someone will be so much more special.

These past few days I realized I’m in a moment in my life where I’m being able to breathe and I shouldn’t take that for granted.

You want to do more for myself, explore by myself.

I scheduled a birthday photo shoot in January, because it’s a gift to me.

My first year without so much baggage dragging me down.

Hoping I can do what I’m imagining, and as another gift to myself, I want to focus my attention on furthering something more stable.

I imagined life so differently, especially now.

The way reality can hit you hurts more than being slapped 10x over.

We can’t linger in a miserable mental state.. We shouldn’t. Life keeps going.

My simple pleasures consist of spending time with who I love, laying in a hammock on a sunny day, sipping tea inside when it’s raining and even standing in the rain when I’m feeling like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. Reading can be a simple pleasure of mine, just have to find the right book to sink my teeth into.

There’s a romance novel I started that I feel like took me a year to read almost…. I finally finished it.

It wasn’t my style of romance.

These executives in England who were doing some big project and hired this lady who was supposed to be cold and opinionated. During the project, she starts sleeping with one of the “business partners” and they eventually generate real feelings for each other, but when the project is over she leaves and there’s nothing else.

Had to be the British to write something so bland.

My idea of romance consists of candles, cuddling, and being caught in that whole moment kissing slowly.. Getting lost in each other.

What happens next is beyond me, but where’s a book like that?

I’ve yet to be caught in such a moment.

Where you feel it’s love and not that you’re just being used, you know?

I still believe such moments are still possible.

Waking up with someone you love must feel like such a fairytale.

This part of life where things are still unstable is frightening.

As a women, we can’t/shouldn’t be consumed by stress, because it literally affects us in every way possible.

Losing weight, skin, hair, hormones, fertility and the list goes on and on.

There’s a girl I follow, she once said to make a vision board and manifest what you want in your life.

What you release into the universe will come back to you.

I’ve released so much anxiety and worry, sadness and look where it got me?

Granted, the support I really needed, I got and to me, each time was so important.

I want to attract the right career.

I want to attract the right man.

I want to attract the right moments that I can remember and smile.

My mind is a lot clearer than it was a year ago, a few months ago.

I was rereading my blogs and talk about over the top.




He’s undergoing so much stress and adjustments, he isn’t thinking about love. I’m not even sure he’s emotionally available.

I still pray for him, it’s all I can do.


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