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To my first Reader

Gratitude is important, even early on in your career. Here's a thank you to the first reader to admire my work. I'm grateful, I'll keep going.

By XMPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
To my first Reader
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

To my first reader,

I have no idea where, what, who, or how you are in this world, but I like the mystery. I like knowing that someone out there appreciates my random-hour scribbles; a lot of writers are out there, hoping their piece makes its way onto someones’ screen and into their thoughts. You are that someone for me and my work. Every week I am either overconfident about my skills as an amateur writer or underwhelmed by the seemingly underwhelming piece I always, always hesitate to submit. But the good, the bad, the ugly, and the questionable will get out there because they need to be. I need to learn to put out all those ideas and see what really sticks. You’re really out there motivating me to put out new material, all without having to lift much of a finger, aside from tapping on a new post. I like that. You don’t need to do anything, just know that someone else on the other side of the screen is surprised to have been found, to have been acknowledged for what I do and what I’m doing my best to build.

I’d like to let you know that I don’t have much of a focus when creating written pieces. I’m still experimenting, but I hope to find a niche sometime soon. Or maybe this will continue as an experiment; exploring different topics while sharpening those writing skills. Well, regardless of what this turns into, I hope you continue to read and find new pieces to enjoy. I’ll do my best to make content that clearly displays the message I want to send to readers like you. But for now, this is fine, as I try to imagine that I’m only writing for one person other than me. The thought of a singular audience encourages me to put out only the best of what I can offer at the moment and at this current stage of my writing career. I hope you see some good changes to how I write, although I may admit, this improvement feels slow, very, very slow albeit steady.

As of right now, I only have a quarter to my name. What can you do with a quarter during this highly inflated, post-pandemic, all but apocalyptic world we are living in? A round, maybe on one of those old kiddie rides outside the grocery store– unless it costs fifty cents. In that case, it will become lost pocket change on the street. Or maybe I’ll keep the quarter and frame it like Mr. Krabs in the Wet Painters episode of Spongebob. I don’t know, at this point I’m not sure what the point of this was, but I’ll keep scrambling til I get to the point…

Point is, you are my first real reader and I am grateful that you like what I’m putting out there, even if not every piece tugs your heartstrings or cracks a slight smile. You are the reason I am writing and continue to write this crudely honest post. So far I have earned a quarter, but it’s a quarter well-earned. You contributed greatly to feeding my tiny piggy bank, so thank you. Most importantly, you are contributing to my tired motivation as well as my spirited ones. Some days there’s nothing, while other days are just waiting for me to write at the most inconvenient hours of the day and night. And for that I am grateful. I’m happy to have someone to write for and something to look forward to every day, during my literary high tides, my low tides, and inspirational plateaus. Thank You wherever you are, whoever you may be, however you feel today, and whenever you decide to read this.

A thousand thanks and a thousand more words to come.


About the Creator


Language: Romance, Hobbies: Temporary, Limits: Theoretically-- None; Realistically-- Some.

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