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This is How You Stop Limiting Yourself, and Start Building the Future You Want

Life can be tough, but you can be tougher

By Gregory D. WelchPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
This is How You Stop Limiting Yourself, and Start Building the Future You Want
Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered if your thinking had a limit? Have you ever let yourself believe that there was nothing you could do to improve your creative abilities or the way you solve problems? Did you give up on trying to get better results, settling instead for mediocre accomplishments?

If so, it’s time to change your perspective. Could there be a better way than to accept failure as the only option, and perfection as some myth that doesn’t exist? If you want to change your life, learn how to create growth where you’ve been stuck before, and learn how to unleash the full potential of your mind.

That’s what we’re going to discuss today. Ready? Let’s dive in.

Stop limiting yourself

“When you find yourself stating anything that sounds like a limiting belief, from “I don’t have enough time” to “I could never do that,” pause and turn your self-limiting statements into empowering questions, such as the following: Where can I find more time in my schedule? How might I be able to do that? Doing this allows you to tap into your inborn creativity and find solutions. You can always find a way when you’re committed.” (Hal Elrod, David Osborn, Honoree Corder, Miracle Morning Millionaires)

The most important thing is to stop saying “I can’t” and start saying “I will”. We are our own worst enemies. We tell ourselves that we cannot do something, when in fact we have the power to access amazing potential and do so much more than we dare to imagine.

“You can do anything you want, if you have the will to make it happen.” — Napoleon Hill

Self-limiting beliefs are what hold us back from our dreams. They are like a chain that prevents us from being who we know down deep we were always meant to be.

“I can’t” is the worst sentence you could ever say to yourself. It’s one of the most destructive sentences you could ever say to yourself. It is a sentence that will destroy your confidence, and it will keep you from achieving your goals if you’re not careful.

“I can’t” is also an excuse for not doing anything about the things in your life that you don’t like or want to change but that are hard and ask you to put in time and energy. The hard stuff is where the big changes are buried. The hard stuff is where you’ll find the future you’re wanting.

“Copy your heroes. Examine where you fall short. What’s in there that makes you different? That’s what you should amplify and transform into your own work. In the end, merely imitating your heroes is not flattering them. Transforming their work into something of your own is how you flatter them. Adding something to the world that only you can add.” (Austin Kleon, Steal Like an Artist)

Once we realize that the “I can’t” is an excuse and not a fact, then it becomes easier to make the changes in life that we most want to see. We can then start to take action and make the changes in our lives that we know will bring us closer to who we want to be.

So, how do you change your limited thinking to the limitless? How do you go from “I can’t” to “I can”?

Here are some things that will help you change your thinking:

1. First of all, start to think in terms of “I can” instead of “I can’t”.

2. Keep a journal and write down the things you want to accomplish and then brainstorm ways to make them a reality (Hint: You don’t have to have it all figured out, make your journal messy and work through your thoughts there)

3. If you have a problem, then make a plan on how you’re going to solve that problem and then start taking action toward that solution (Hint: Don’t try to solve everything at once, take it one step at a time)

4. When you do something that you wanted to accomplish but never thought you would or could, then write about that experience and record it as a victory in your journal (Hint: This is a great way to get rid of any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back)

5. When something goes wrong, then think about it as an opportunity to learn and grow (this is called having a growth mindset)

6. When you have a problem, then think of it as an opportunity to improve and learn (this is called having a learning mindset)

7. If you’re not sure what to do, then ask a friend for advice and get a fresh perspective on your situation

8. When you make mistakes, own them and then keep moving forward, success is often found in momentum

9. Make the conscious effort to think positively, but balance it with reality and set realistic but challenging expectations for yourself.

10. When you’re in the middle of a challenge, don’t look for an easy way out or someone who can make it all better (this is called having a grit mindset)


Life can be tough, but you can be tougher. That’s the thing to remember. You can do far more than you might believe, expect or even dream of. You have incredible potential stored up inside and just waiting for you to tap into it. You just have to be willing to work for it. It’s not going to come easy, but if you keep pushing yourself and refusing to give up, eventually the results will come.

Remember, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, focus on the things that matter most and don’t let other people’s opinions get in the way of your own beliefs about who you are and what you want from life.

You can do this!

self help

About the Creator

Gregory D. Welch

Kentucky poet & scribbler. Inspiring creatives to live a creative lifestyle. Creating with courage, passion, & purpose-fueled growth. Progress over perfection.

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