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This 10-Minute Routine Will Boost Your Creativity And Clarity

“Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you sleep.” — Napoleon Hill

By Grecu Daniel CristianPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Because it governs your heartbeat, blood circulation, and digestion, your subconscious never sleeps and is always on duty. It is in charge of all of your body's vital processes and functions, as well as knowing the solutions to all of your issues.

What occurs on a subconscious level has an impact on what occurs on a conscious level. To put it another way, what happens inside your head, even if it's unintentionally, eventually becomes your reality. "The subconscious mind will translate into its physical equivalent, using the most direct and practical means accessible," Hill continues.

As a result, your goal is to train your subconscious mind to produce the results you desire. You should also use your subconscious mind to find connections and solutions to your problems and initiatives.

Here’s a simple routine to get started:

Ten minutes before going to sleep:

“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” — Thomas Edison

Many of the world's most successful people have a habit of deliberately directing the workings of their subconscious mind as they sleep.


Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to concentrate on and write down the goals you want to achieve.

Pose a slew of questions to yourself about it. Make some "requests," as Edison put it. Make a list of your questions and opinions on paper. The more explicit the questions, the clearer your responses will be.

Your subconscious mind will begin working on those issues while you sleep.

After ten minutes of awakening:

The brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex, is most active and creative shortly after sleep, according to research. While you slept, your subconscious mind was loosely mind-wandering, forming contextual and temporal connections. Making connections between diverse sections of the brain is, after all, what creativity is all about.

Josh Waitzkin, a former chess prodigy and tai chi world champion, describes his morning practice to tap into the subconscious breakthroughs and connections he experienced while sleeping in a recent interview with Tim Ferriss.

Waitzkin, unlike the 80 percent of Americans aged 18 to 44 who check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up, goes to a quiet area, meditates, and retrieves his journal.

He thought-dumps for many minutes in his journal. Rather than concentrating on input, like most people do when checking their notifications, Waitzkin concentrates on output. This is how he accesses his "crystallized intelligence," or higher realms of clarity, learning, and creativity.

The concept of "thought-dumping" may be difficult to adopt if you aren't a seasoned diary writer. In my experience, casually directing your thought-dumping toward your goals is beneficial.

Consider the "requests" you made to your subconscious right before bedtime. You had a lot of questions for yourself. You considered and wrote down the goals you're attempting to achieve.

Start writing down whatever comes to mind about those topics first thing in the morning, when your creative brain is most attuned, following its subconscious workout while you slept.

While performing these thought-dumps, I frequently receive ideas for articles I'm going to write. I find inspiration for how to be a better spouse and father to my three foster children. I gain clarity on the objectives I believe I should pursue. I gain insight on people I should connect with or ways to better my current relationships.

You will, without a doubt, need to practice this talent. It may take a few tries before you master the technique. You can become fluent and automatic at achieving creative and intuitive bursts with practice.


“A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.” — James Allen

Physical creation is always preceded by mental creation. There is a blueprint for a building before it is built physically.

Your thoughts serve as the template for the life you're creating day by day. When you learn to channel your thoughts consciously and subconsciously, you create the conditions that make achieving your goals a foregone conclusion.

You are the architect of your own fate. This short exercise will assist you in determining where you want to go and how you want to get there.

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About the Creator

Grecu Daniel Cristian

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