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Strong Personality

How to be strong?

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Strong Personality
Photo by Vicky Sim on Unsplash

Many of us think that our personality is born with them. Some are born with a sense of humour, humour and charisma, and others are born lacking in that and think that it is difficult for them to obtain them. However, these beliefs are wrong, as each of us can improve and develop his personality as he wants, and that requires a decision from him and a little effort. It's hard to do so, if you think you have a weak personality and want to change that and gain a strong personality, you can of course and I will tell you in this article how to do it.

Strong personality

An individual with a strong personality is one who has a strong will and does not allow anyone to control him, interfere in his life and his decisions, or manipulate and influence him, and he also has his own opinion that he never retreats from, he is somewhat stubborn, especially in decisions related to him and his goals in life, but he He is not an arrogant and selfish person, but rather social and able to take responsibility in all situations.

Strong personality traits

There are many characteristics that distinguish a person with a strong personality from others, including:

  • Sobriety and calmness: A person with a strong personality is often distinguished by his calmness and saneness, especially when facing problems. He knows how to express his thoughts and emotions calmly without resorting to nervousness, loud voice and exaggeration in his reaction, and thus he can always find a suitable solution to the problems facing him. He turns any argument to his advantage and settles it in his favour, without engaging in useless discussions.
  • Courage: The person with a strong personality is able to face difficult situations with courage and boldness and overcome the fear that may affect him in some situations, or at least he can hide this feeling from others and not show it to them.
  • Empathy and love: Some may think that showing tolerance and sympathy with others indicates a weak personality, and this belief is very wrong; The strong personality is the one who treats others with kindness, tolerance and love without waiting for anything in return.
  • Self-confidence: The most important characteristic that distinguishes a person with a strong personality is his confidence in himself, and that he believes in his own abilities, capabilities and skills, and that he can reach his goals and achieve all his dreams, accept himself and be satisfied with himself.
  • Good Reputation: A strong personality is someone who has a good reputation among his friends and acquaintances that makes him respected by everyone and even becomes a role model for some of them and they may look for inspiration in him, due to his honesty, success and politeness with everyone.

How to be strong

Many seek to strengthen and improve their personality by acquiring some qualities and skills that strengthen and enhance self-confidence. Here are some tips that you should follow to strengthen your personality:

  • listen well

One of the most important things that help in acquiring a strong personality is listening and listening to others, which helps you to learn and understand many things and take some ideas from them. You should also look into the eyes of the speaking person and give him your full attention to him and his speech; To feel his importance and the importance of his speech and thus become more open and share all his information with you comfortably.

  • Develop your speaking style

You can do this by knowing and expanding your personal interests and trends in life and gaining deep knowledge of them, which enables you to participate more in conversations, communicate your information clearly and explain your ideas without imposing them on others, which will draw the attention of others to you and your speech and will impress you.

  • Introducing new people into your life

Meeting new people in your life will give you a lot of experience and you will learn from the experiences of others, and getting to know new people will expose you to dealing with different cultures and you will gain and learn new ideas and opinions that expand your mind.

  • Develop your sense of leadership

If you want to achieve success in your career, it is important that you develop and refine your leadership skills and always strive to be successful in whatever field you enter and be at the forefront.

  • Take care of your appearance

This doesn't mean that you have to be stylish and handsome, just keep your appearance good, don't wear any clothes that don't fit your personality, and try to improve your physique, which will give you self-confidence.

  • Avoid comparing with others

We all have strengths and weaknesses in this life. We cannot be the best in everything. That is, you have your own qualities and abilities. Do not try to be like anyone else. That person may be good at something you are not good at, but that does not mean that he is better than you. You must have things he can't do, there is no perfect and perfect person in this world so stay away from comparisons and respect your abilities.

how to

About the Creator

Judith Isidore

I'm happy to share my stories with Vocal media community.

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