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Speak Life

Words have power!

By Hailey Alexandria BaldwinPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Speak Life
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Everyone has heard the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That’s not exactly true.. see our words have a lot of power. What comes out of your mouth travels into the universe like light speed and begins to manifest its way into your life. You may be like okay Hailey you kinda lost me here... well think about it... if you’re constantly talking down to someone, they’re eventually going to listen to you and start to believe that they are insignificant. It works the same way when we talk down to ourselves and our situations!!

In other words, if you’re going through the motions every day saying things like “I’m not good enough, or smart enough, or the right size, or have the right features,” Whatever!!! Stop speaking those things over yourself! You were wonderfully and perfectly made, and you are the only YOU in the world. You matter! In a little bit, I will get into how you can change this way of thinking, but for now I’m going to tell you that this doesn’t only apply to yourself but it also applies to your situation....

If your constantly saying things like “I’m never gunna get that promotion, I’m never going to make good money, or things are never going to get better”..... guess what?! They won’t!! You’re speaking death over your life! Your mindset and the words you let flow out of your mouth have a hold on you. You will never break out of the turmoil if you don’t begin to speak life to your situation.

What do I mean by speaking life? Speaking life means choosing love and joy over fear and hate. That means speaking out verbally (this can obviously be done in private) the positive things that you want to happen or want to feel! Also, I mentioned earlier... this will help you change your mindset! When you decide to stop letting your situation or your own thoughts get the best of you, you can begin to take back your joy and your life!

I personally have struggled with self-image and anxiety, and to be honest, those are demons I still have to fight off sometimes. Let’s face it we all struggle, but it doesn’t have to stay that way!!

When I flipped the ranger with one of my friends a few years ago, my knee was left with a horrible scar, and I felt like I wasn’t worth looking at. Not only that but my friend was scarred up and hurt pretty badly as well... The guilt I felt was incomprehensible. I went into a pretty dark place, and I did a lot of things that I definitely shouldn’t have been doing. Forgiving myself was one thing, but working on the way I saw myself was another. I had to remind myself that I am worthy, I am good enough, I am here for a purpose, and that my struggles will not last forever!! I began to watch my words, and I’m doing it even more so now with the entire world is out of whack!! I don’t want to live a life full of negativity, and my words are the best way to change that.

If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to this... for 30 days, I want you notice every time you say something negative about yourself or about your situation. Once you do that begin to speak life to yourself and the situation. Write those things down!!! Stand in the mirror every morning if you have to (I had to do this) and tell yourself out loud “I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am going to succeed, and I am going to choose life!”

Don’t let anyone steal your joy because your life is a gift and you matter to someone. Pay attention to the words you speak because your words do have power in your life!! Be careful and love yourself, and always know that God loves you and so do I!

BTW! If you need prayer or just want to talk, I am always here 🙂

With love,

Hailey Alexandria

self help

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