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By BUSHRA TANVIRPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a girl named Samra. She belonged to a lower middle-class family and faced a unique challenge—she was blind. Despite her visual impairment, Samra possessed an unwavering determination to make her parents proud. She understood that her circumstances did not define her, and she was ready to work hard to achieve her dreams.

Samra's parents, Ali and Farida, were incredibly supportive. They knew that their daughter had immense potential and encouraged her to pursue her passions. They believed that with the right opportunities and her own perseverance, Samra could overcome any obstacle.

From a young age, Samra displayed a remarkable intellect and an insatiable curiosity about the world. She was always eager to learn and refused to let her disability limit her. Her parents provided her with an education at a special school for the visually impaired. It was there that Samra discovered her love for literature and writing.

Samra spent countless hours studying Braille and listening to audiobooks. She absorbed knowledge like a sponge, memorizing intricate details and expanding her vocabulary. She developed a vivid imagination, and through her writing, she found solace and a way to express herself.

Although her family's financial situation was challenging, Samra remained undeterred. She knew that education was her ticket to a better future. She approached her studies with a zeal that amazed her teachers and classmates. Despite the absence of visual cues, Samra's creativity shone through her stories, poems, and essays. She became known for her eloquent writing style and her ability to transport readers to different worlds with her words.

As Samra excelled academically, she faced a new hurdle—college. Higher education seemed like an unattainable dream due to the financial burden it would impose on her family. But Samra refused to let her circumstances crush her spirit. She researched scholarship opportunities and tirelessly applied to various institutions.

After weeks of waiting and anticipation, Samra received a letter of acceptance from a prestigious university. She had secured a scholarship that covered her tuition and living expenses. Her parents were overjoyed and immensely proud of her accomplishments. They knew that their daughter's hard work and determination had paid off.

College life was a whirlwind for Samra. She faced numerous challenges, both academically and socially. However, she persevered, leveraging her exceptional memory and strong work ethic to excel in her studies. Samra's professors were astounded by her intelligence and dedication, providing her with additional support when needed.

Throughout her college years, Samra also embraced opportunities to share her experiences with others. She spoke at local schools and organizations, inspiring young minds and spreading awareness about the capabilities of visually impaired individuals. She encouraged others to embrace their uniqueness and follow their dreams, regardless of the obstacles they faced.

Upon graduating, Samra secured a job at a prominent publishing house. She worked as an editor, combining her love for literature and her exceptional writing skills to shape captivating stories for readers around the world. Her colleagues admired her talent and determination, and Samra quickly gained recognition as an influential figure in the literary world.

But for Samra, success was not just about personal achievements. She established a foundation to provide educational opportunities to visually impaired children from disadvantaged backgrounds. She believed that every child deserved a chance to pursue their dreams, just as she had been given the opportunity.

Samra's story spread far and wide, inspiring countless individuals who faced their own challenges. She proved that with hard work, determination, and unwavering self-belief, anyone can achieve their goals, regardless of their circumstances. Samra's journey exemplified the power of resilience, the strength of the human spirit, and the triumph of the human will.

And so, the girl named Samra

self help

About the Creator


I am a poetess and article writer

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