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Put POWER Into ...

The power of voice, the movement of action.

By Lenita LeiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Put POWER Into ...
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

“Join the empowerment movement!” The crowd shouted as they walked through Main St.


“Did you hear about Sally? I’m so glad she got out of that relationship and found a sense of self-empowerment!” Connie alerted the team at the lunch table.


“Recently John had been quite elusive at work. Not himself. I referred him to the counseling team and now he is knocking over KPI’s daily!” She updated her manager during the peer review.

“I guess the counseling really helped him knock over the barriers. Great work for picking up what he needed.” The manager stated.


Empowerment almost tastes like chocolate. Sweet and what is needed at the moment. Although the access to chocolate is very accessible, at least in the Westernized world. How often is there an empowerment movement heard in an oppressed country? In my opinion, the place where empowerment is duly needed. Of course, when an empowerment situation arises in an oppressed land it creates a rippling effect! Even in an oppressed situation! Powerful movement.

Think of a submerged volcano or seamount exploding. This can often cause a tsunami to follow. If that tsunami makes it to land, further loss and devastation result. On the other hand, when a seamount explodes it can cause a shift in the tectonic plates which may create new land. In either case, massive change has resulted from one act. Just like empowerment.

Empowerment as a word has been popping up almost like a fad in these latter years. Not problematic, only I hope it isn’t forgotten. The act of being empowered to accomplish more than previous thoughts or expectations placed has a magnetic push. I certainly hope for humanity to continue the path of empowerment for the greater good. Imagine the goodness the world could come to terms with!

As great as empowerment is, I think it’s helpful to understand the word more wholly.

English Class Time...

The dictionary online (2021) states:

Empowerment noun

1) the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization

2) the giving of an ability; enablement or permission

3) (in South Africa) a policy of providing special opportunities in employment, training, etc for Black people and others disadvantaged under apartheid

Okay, that is what the act of empowerment means. But I mean let’s really break the word apart!

The prefix “em” dates back to the Middle English and Old French terms, where this shortening is set to give meaning and imply “put in, or into, or bring into a certain state.” (Douglas Harper, 2001-2021).

The dictionary (2021) meaning of the word Power can be associated with the noun and verb definitions, as follows:

POWER: noun

1) Ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.

POWER: verb

2) To supply with electricity or other means of power: to give power to; make powerful.

Lastly, the suffix of the word “ment” in accordance with the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (1828) means to make something a concrete result. Their example is the word development which comes through action and process.

Crash course in English right?

The point of all this is when a word is broken down it helps to ascertain the fundamental components of the word and build the greatness of what the word of choice specifically is standing for.

Putting it all together...

Regarding the word of choice EMPOWERMENT putting it together through the English crash course it means:

Putting [power] into a certain state and making it a concrete result.

Which power definition to go with? –

Well, the noun compilation is:

Putting an ability or action by accomplishment into a concrete result.

The verb power compilation is:

Putting power into something as a concrete result.

Now, cross-reference these results with the original definitions of Empowerment, and it is mostly the reflection of the first and second definitions. Sure - good for clarity. Though I often break down words to find a greater meaning within.

(Sidetrack example: The word "Encouragement" means: to find the courage within and put it into action.)

Unsplash: Hannah Busing

Empowerment has certainly been a movement activity in recent years, especially when considering how far forward Mental Health advocacy and awareness have come! Other areas have also received large dosages of people or groups acting with empowerment, I am not going to list all that here and now.

Empowerment is encouraging and promotes others to join a movement or cause – which is a wonderful way to include one’s voice in a project.

Extending this, writers have a unique and powerful voice through the written word. A voice that can be used specifically to encourage and promote EMPOWERMENT for causes.

In writing this I extend to my fellow writers – do you realize the POWER that you have in what you are saying? Think about where you can advocate for something. Do your current stories already push specific themes?

Advocacy is powerful. Movement is the action. Empowerment is the result.

Final thoughts on Empowerment

As established empowerment is developed by the force of something. Say someone speaks up about a topic... Or a volcano erupts.

But how to know when to say something that may create a movement?

Here’s my suggestion. Utilize the strengths-based practice. This practice is most possibly used more frequently than you may realize. It focuses on the strength of a person, reminding them of something they have accomplished very well. Using that strength to broaden their scope into other areas where accomplishments and success may be lower. By working forward with this mentality, it brings others into a network of support. The more the network builds, as each person is also using the strengths-based process, the greater the movement. Research into the theory to learn more!

Look at Martin Luther King. Leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. To be a leader firstly implies there are people following him and wanting to go in the same direction he promotes. Secondly, this tells there is a group of people. Thirdly, the same direction.

While the movement remains connected with what Martin Luther King did. It is important to state how the people who were involved in the movement helped create the shift.

Writing is a key relationship between the author and the reader.

Empowerment is possible for all. Do not discredit yourself. Use your written voice!

Surely you've heard the common line stated in education settings "If you have a question share it as someone else probably has the same question."

Couldn't the same be said for an act of advocacy, of movement?

Facebook: Global Achievers Club

self help

About the Creator

Lenita Lei

Life is intense, as is suspense!

Tune in as words come to life through your imagination.

Fiction and Non-Fiction: Just let me write!

Australian-Finnish <3

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