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New Year New Me: Not Quite

Lessons from 2020 that I brought to 2021

By Misses EducatorPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
New Year New Me: Not Quite
Photo by Danil Aksenov on Unsplash

2020 has been a crazy year for the WHOLE entire world, myself included. I know that I am so ready for this year to be over! I’ve seen so many social media posts regarding the new year ranging from: “declare your intentions” to “walk in really slowly and don’t touch anything.” This year I am going to take a distinct approach to the upcoming year. My plan is to just be authentic and confident, as well as to live my life abundantly.

I love goal setting, don’t get me wrong (see my previous post about goals and their importance), but 2020 taught me many important lessons that I want to take into the new year.

The first lesson is: I CAN actually stay my butt home and enjoy it. Before the quarantine, I was running at a pace that was unsustainable. I lived at my local rec center (teaching, learning and exercising), in addition to working full time, and managing several budding businesses of my own. I do love to be busy, but being forced to meet my desire for constant stimulation at home definitely brought me balance. I know my children way better now that I am with them most of the day. I’ve learned so much about how they process the world. I’ve always loved my children, but I undervalued the importance of just being with them.

The second lesson is that I have much to learn about myself. One would think after being on earth for almost 38 years, that one would have things figured out. I do not. I am just scratching the surface of my subconscious motivations for my actions. More so, the struggle to not do what I shouldn’t can be very difficult for me. There is a lot to unpack and 2020 put a laser focus on my strengths as well as my weaknesses.

The third and final lesson is that I am stronger than I think I am. As a matter of fact, I am way more in general than I think I am. I know that may sound arrogant, but as a person who has a running script of self condemnation circling in my brain I have to constantly remind myself. This year taught me that I am more than a conqueror because a) Jesus loves me b) I am valuable and c) I am able.

So what does being authentic and confident look like? For me, it is not without struggle.

Well the first bad habit I want to kick is comparison. Comparison is 100% the thief of joy. Instead of feeling like a failure when I see other’s successes, I can feel motivated that success is possible. I cannot compare my housekeeping abilities to those of others (who keep very tidy homes), or my jewelry selling ability with others in my company (who seem to skyrocketing as I write), or even my life experiences to others who are less fortunate (and put myself on a pedestal). If I focus on myself, and my progress towards my goals I will inevitably have more success than if I lose myself feelings of inadequacy.

The second obstacle I’d like to overcome is my timidity. My friends will tell you that I am not a timid person when it comes to being friendly, helping others, or being honest about who I am. However, my boldness does not translate to my business endeavors or my professional qualifications. I can lead a classroom relatively well, but I have a block regarding teaching or leading in any professional situation that requires leadership outside of academic settings. I am appreciative of the people in my life that remind me that I do have expertise and experience. I plan to remind myself that I am capable and knowledgeable, and that it is not arrogant to be confident in my abilities.

The third impediment to the abundant life that I would like to have is that at times I make poor decisions. I am human, so this fact should be a given. However, I would like to change the way I attempt to meet my needs. I plan to really examine my needs and ways to meet them without compromising my future goals, relationships or health. The flipside of this goal is that I must forgive myself when I do make mistakes. Beating myself up does nothing to prevent the reoccurrence of the same behavior. It just makes me feel bad. I will need a supportive group of nonjudgmental people to empathize with me and hold me accountable. I hope to find or rejoin a group like that in 2021.

In 2020, my resolution is to get my life in order by getting myself in order. It starts with me.


About the Creator

Misses Educator

I'm a woman who loves the following: great food, great finds, and great relationships. Discounts are my best friends. I also am a school teacher of a pretty challenging population and a mother to three precocious children.

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