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Well-being grows with each new day.

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Have you ever promised yourself you'd fulfill a goal or dream, but every time you went to start, your mind gave you a reason or reasons not to?

Maybe you wanted to write a book, or get up at 6:00 am for a workout, yet every time you got to the “action” part of your goal, you made up an excuse.

First off, let me start by saying this is NORMAL! We all go through it. I especially experienced this far too many times . Especially when it came to making New Year Resolutions.

Although the New Year won’t magically erase once what happened in 2020, and things will not just snap back to “normal”.

I believe that it’s not only just an opportunity to set new goals, and resolutions but also a time to take inventory of my life up until this point.

Analyzing and asking myself some thought provoking questions .

What did I ALLOW in 2020 that I no longer can tolerate?

What happened in 2020 that SERVED my highest self and added to my life, that I will continue to amplify in 2021?

One of two things , I can choose to feel like 2020 added to my resilience, or I can choose to feel like it took away from my life and decide to “wait” until things fall back into normalcy.

True fact: Life CAN be unpredictable. 2020 definitely showed that.

Sometimes obligations and unplanned circumstances can quickly lead us off track . The plans may change but never the goal.

By Isaac Smith on Unsplash

But that’s where consistency comes in. Its unrealistic to expect a massive return of fortune or the ultimate 2021 of greatness when you’re not putting in the work.

This means doing what I need to do every single day to be my most efficient, productive, creative self.

✅ For some people, this means putting together a daily task list.

By Paico Oficial on Unsplash

For me it’s Journaling and putting my planner to use . A journal is a wonderful place to write goals, ambitions, aspirations. It allows me to hold myself accountable and feel motivated to continue to focus on my next milestone!

By Jess Bailey on Unsplash

✅ For others, it might include quick yoga session before hopping on the laptop.

By Conscious Design on Unsplash

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.🧘🏾‍♀️

✅ If you have a busy household, maybe going to a nearby coffee shop for a few hours to concentrate is what’s required. With Covid still live and active , may not be able to tackle that . So arranging alone time each day . Is an absolute MUST. Plug out and recharge.

Daily reminder✨

* Whatever you need to do, do it consistently every single day.


Now, what TWO things can I make a commitment to do consistently?

1. 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 one book A week .

By freddie marriage on Unsplash

How am I going to do that , you ask ?

Step :1 Take A book

Step:2 Divide the number of pages by 7.

Read :___ amount of pages to complete one book per week.

Utilizing time to my advantage , I know that I can do this. Also having A note back nearby , to take down some useful takeaways . What I learned ? How can I apply , how did it make me feel ?

I Am forever A student , it doesn’t matter how much I think I know.


Each and every day , I am going to commit to 30 minutes of exercise per day . As well as getting much needed fresh air. Exercise and movement are important for the mind and body. Exercise helps reduce stress and pressure in my life and provides an escape to get out your head .

Practice makes perfect, so when you begin to create these positive habits, you’ll start hitting your goals faster than you ever imagined. I know that to be true because I have done it . The difference this year , is my consistency and the daily habits.

This time, this year 2021 I recognize the light of my true self. My future is full of nothing but hope, truth, and love–– because I am hope, truth, and love. I just had to Open my eyes .

By MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash


“God is within her, she will not fail” Psalms 46:5



About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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