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Negative emotions and how to deal with them

What if we can use negative emotions as a stimulus or a catalyst for change.

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Negative emotions and how to deal with them
Photo by Anderson Rian on Unsplash

It has been said that our points of view, our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the basis for all of the things that happen in our life. It is interesting to see that many people are offended by the idea that we create our reality! They say it's like blaming a victim.

Negative Begets Negative. This was a discovery by neuroscientists in 2012, but the idea that our brains are hard-wired for negativity is not new. This is because of our fight or flight instinct.

Negative emotions exist to keep us safe. The emotions we feel when something bad happens and nothing can be done to change the situation are called "negative". The primary negative feeling that we experience is sadness, but there are many other types as well such as anger and fear!

Negative feelings can help us avoid potentially dangerous situations by avoiding things we would feel uncomfortable or unsafe doing in those types of environments

It is important to be able to quickly assess what threats are coming at us and how we can protect ourselves from them. Sadly, many of us have been hard-wired to detect danger more than to be happy about everything good in our lives. To put it another way, if we're living in a jungle with tigers roaming around everywhere, we'd better be looking out for them instead of just enjoying our day!

You may have heard that negative thoughts are the root cause of all stress and anxiety. Negative emotions prevent us from thinking and behaving consciously. When this occurs, we tend only to remember what is most convenient for us. Our own biases get in the way of seeing things as they really are! This ends up prolonging anger or grief which prevents us from enjoying life.

Running into a brick wall is always an unfortunate event but it's our mindset that determines what happens next. If we continue to see bad things as inevitable and uncontrollable, then the feeling of helplessness will surely follow suit with hopelessness too closely behind for comfort.

While it's true we can't control how our brains work, there is an important thing we must recognize. Negative thinking actually originates in two small brain regions called the "amygdala."

The brain's natural response when dealing with negative thoughts is to create more negatives such as.. "I wish I wasn’t so sad." Unfortunately, these types of reactions do nothing but add to our problems without helping resolve them at all.

Research shows that if we actively try to avoid our own negative emotions, as well as ignore any traumatic memories associated with those emotions, then the less active the amygdala will be.

Sitting in my office

I was sitting in my office, pondering the question "What are the easiest ways to eliminate negative thoughts? I felt like there must be a secret formula to joy and contentment. But what could that be? And how could I find it?

All of a sudden I heard this tiny voice say “You’re looking at the wrong place to provide you with that feeling." Puzzled, I looked around but didn't see anyone there. That's when all these different insights began to swirl in my perception. What if no one else could make me happy? Maybe it is up to me to be a creator source of my happiness!

Then, in an instant, it dawned on me that the only way to be happy is by taking back my power and knowing I have the choice this very moment. To do that I must accept responsibility for my feelings, my behaviors, and my thoughts.

To live free of regret and filled with as much joy, fun, and possibilities, I must stop giving my power away to external factors. More to the point, when I allow myself to be controlled by external factors, I am inviting unhappiness, frustration, and a general feeling of being trapped.

It is a part of our intrinsic nature to be risk-averse but it's important not to let these attitudes consume our lives. Negative thoughts are a natural human response to events that happen in our lives. It is common to have negative thoughts when we experience a certain event. For example, our car might break down and this will make us feel upset or angry.

Negative events tend to have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones. Most of us are more likely to remember negative events than positive experiences. However, if we don’t go about changing these negative thoughts into more generative ones, they can get stuck and the feeling of negativity will never leave us.

Being in a negative state is harmful to our mental and emotional health. It can lead you into unhealthy behaviors such as anger or violence which could compound the problem for weeks, months even years down the line!

We can't just block negative thoughts. Particularly, when we're in the middle of an argument or a conflict with someone, it's normal to be upset and feel frustrated. Indeed, it's not easy not to react, it's normal to want to defend ourselves.

But, instead of fixating on our negative thought, we can choose to shift our attention to different thoughts. What if we can use negative thought as a stimulus or a catalyst for change.

A simple change in the way we think can have a huge impact on our mental health.

When trying to suppress negative thoughts, it may backfire and make us feel even emptier than before! The key is to acknowledge that life's complexity will likely inspire new perspectives as well as increased psychological well-being

What if we can see negative thought as natural, not right or wrong or good or bad, it just is. The ability to stop fixating on negative thoughts takes courage, commitment, and practice. Those uncomfortable moments when a negative thought arises are the ideal moments to practice our power.

When that feeling of upset comes or when a negative thought begins to build, we could choose to see it as a gift for us to grow, expand and be more. This will allow us to see the world from a larger perspective.

This is a never-ending story. It takes commitment and practice since our negative emotions have such an important role in who we become!

If you're feeling negative right now and it feels like nothing will change soon (or ever), try channeling those energies into something more productive than negative. What is required is to ask different questions, such as:

  • What do I need to be aware of here?
  • What can I change?
  • What question can I ask that will change this?
  • What else is possible?

It takes practice to learn how to not let these thoughts overwhelm us or have power over our lives. Life is too precious, so if we want the best out of it, we must start taking back our power today.

self help

About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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