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Master Mind Series (Pt. 2)

(2) Subconscious Mind

By Trevor FeelyPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Welcome back to the Master Mind Series

Today we are focusing on the subconscious mind. This portion of the min is known as the emotional mind. It's the bottom half of the mind diagram from the Introduction To The Mind article in the beginning of this series. The conscious mind is so fascinating and equally powerful. As humans, we are emotional creatures, and being such, emotions drive our actions that ultimately control our results. The subconscious is the portion of the mind that controls all of our habitual behavior, and most of our behavior is habitual. Think about your morning routine, when you wake up, chances are you do just about the same thing, in the same way, every single day. How many other aspects of your life are you living in a similar way? The emotional mind, unlike the conscious mind, has no ability to reject information. It functions much like a sponge and absorbs every thought, word, feeling and stores it. Let's think of the conscious mind as the internet, and the subconscious mind as the "Deep web" an ocean, vast of hidden information that we have collected consciously or unconsciously throughout our entire life, especially as a child.

Did you know that your environment has an incredibly large impact on your life? Your subconscious absorbs every word, thought, and feeling that you produce, that the people next to you produce, that the television or radio produces. The mind is a program, and it has been collecting information since before you had the mental faculties inside of your conscious mind to use reason and logic to accept or reject information.

Your mind is what controls how you feel, how you act, what you earn, it controls the results you are getting in every aspect of your life, so why do we overlook this magnificent tool? If your mind is program and your mind controls the results you are getting in every aspect of your life, then if you change your mind, you can change your life.

Who programmed your mind? Are you living with other people's beliefs? Limitations? Theories? Perceptions? You can create any life that you desire, is the life you are living, the life you designed or is it one that you accepted because your subconscious mind absorbed a bunch of garbage from the time you were born?

I hope you're enjoying this very simple approach in understanding the mind. Today's topic is on how to reprogram your mind. The mind is a powerful tool, and it is what ultimately creates the results we experience in our lifetime. We are in control of our mind, how we use our mind determines the type of program we operate with.

As we learned earlier, the program we operate with today was more than likely programmed by outside sources that were not of our own accord. It's programmed mainly by our environments. If you grew up with parents who were struggling financially, more than likely, you are too. If you grew up in an environment that speaks French, it's probable that you speak French. If you spend time with someone who is constantly negative, has a problem for every situation, is constantly angry at the world, well, you know the rest. These words, thoughts, and feelings soak deep into the subconscious mind.

So what can we do about it? The mind can be reprogrammed though conscious repetition and emotional stimulation. Let's say waking up early is something we always wanted to do, yet every morning we hit that snooze button, or simply don't even try. The THOUGHT of waking up early and being productive is intriguing, but the action does not follow.

Why is that? There are a few factors that come into play, however, the main reason is your mind's programming. Your mind is programmed to seek pleasure and instant gratification. Your normal routine is to sleep until it is necessary for you to wake up for whatever reason, let's say a job. Keep in mind, these examples are simple but this can be applied to any and every aspect of your life.

How would we change this program?

Exercising self-discipline is a given, right? Make it a goal to wake up at [let's say] 5:00 AM. Write it down, read, and/or say aloud this goal many times throughout the day. Set the alarm, throughout the day repeat to yourself, "I wake up at 5 AM every day with ease, I am excited to use this extra time productively. "

Next, envision yourself waking up in the morning, the alarm goes off, you're full of energy and you're excited to start the day! FEEL the excitement. This is important to get emotionally involved with your goal.

Repeat this as much as you possibly can, write it down, repeat it to yourself, envision it, eventually this will become the new program for waking up early.

This method can be and should be applied to every single aspect in your life. Imagine if you changed one or two aspects of your life every single week? The amount of progress would be tremendous.

Remember the old programming of your mind is NOT going to cooperate, it will talk you out of doing these tasks. Do not get conned by your comfort zone.

I hope this inspires some massive changes!


About the Creator

Trevor Feely

Hello! I am a Music Producer, Writer, Life Student, Entrepreneur, Animal Lover, Water Fanatic, and many other titles. I trust that those who find my page were brought here for a reason and I hope that my content helps and/or inspires you!

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